I'm unable to get the social starter scene to work in Unity 2017.1 The sphere stays black and I just see a Log message saying ERROR OVR6139226
I've set up the App Id's correctly for both platform and avatar and tried everything I could. Anyone got any advice on this? I've attached my service log as well for further info. I'm using nothing other than the Oculus Integration package from the Unity Store
From the log this seems like the problem "attempted to call API before fetching signature: /library/auth/entitlement_checked
10/11 12:18:29.891 {!ERROR!} [OAF ERROR] ..\..\..\ipc\ipcRouter.cpp(120) : Must call get_signature first (1971051)"
Anyone have any ideas? I'm logged into the same Oculus account that created the app on the developer dashboard I imagine the problem is coming about because of an issue with GetLoggedInUserCallback but I'm not sure how to fix it.
So just to confirm, in order to test out the Social Starter scene I need to compile and upload a binary + add myself as a user on the apps build release channel?
I'm now getting the same error as the first user who posted. I've created an app and added the app id to both the avatar and platform settings. I'm not sure if this is being caused by the version of Unity that I'm using?
I was able to build the app to a standalone build but when I upload a binary of it. It doesn't work. If I test the standalone exe from unity it works connects or the sphere turns white but I can't see my avatars hands?
I'm trying to test this as well. However, I don't want to upload builds every time to test it. While developing, can I create the room first, get the room id, and give the client id, and let the others join the room with id without invitation. I'm trying to do this, but I got the error saying that "161236627939603 is not a room, or it cannot be seen by the current viewer and application. I have changed the join policy to everyone