I am basing this test project off of the UnrealSample project from the latest Platform-SDK files on UE 4.21.
This is my first time setting up a multiplayer game and have tried to follow tutorials and examples as best I could but am still falling short. This is what I think is going on...
After adding an Open Level -> Online?listen on 'OnStartSessionComplete' (Runs after create session success is returned), the host will travel to the level and accept a peer request. However, when the client travels to the host it loads the default map (which in this project is MainMenu) instead of the one the host player loaded.
LISTEN-SERVER (full log attached)
40.14:183][422]LogOnline: Display: OSS: Got result if friend is in a session
[2019.06.12-17.40.15:408][497]LogOnline: Display: OSS: Trying to create a session
[2019.06.12-19.16.55:454][539]LogNet: Verbose: <host-player-id> changed network connection state
[2019.06.12-19.16.55:454][539]LogNet: Verbose: <host-player-id> is connected[2019.06.12-19.17.07:691][167]LogSlate: Window 'OculusPlatformSample (64-bit Development PCD3D_SM5) ' being destroyed
More info: DefaultEngine.ini [OnlineSubsystem] DefaultPlatformService=Oculus
OculusAppId=<appId> <-- using proper Id here / entitlement check passes