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Unable to get achievement progress

Hello everyone!

I've been working with the Oculus Platform SDK on Unity, using the achievement features. I already have my own achievement system working in my game and I was able to unlock achievements on the Oculus Platform without problems.

I currently am working in a check process to synchronize the local achievement status with the Oculus Platform data when the application starts. In order to do that I need to get all the achievement data, thing the seems to be more problematic than expected.

Here is the code that I am using to get the achievement data:

void Start()

Oculus.Platform.Achievements.GetAllProgress().OnComplete(delegate(Oculus.Platform.Message msg){

Oculus.Platform.Models.AchievementProgressList progressList = msg.GetAchievementProgressList();

//Do all the chek stuff with my system

I've been testing and I can say that the variable progressList is not null and the size of the list is 0.

On the other hand, when asking for the "Definition List", this list returns all the data that is already defined on the application dashboard but it doesn't show if the achievement is already unlocked or not. I do not know if this is a bug or the wrong way to get the achievement status on the Oculus Platform.

Documentation about the Oculus Platform Unity plugin would be great, so we can avoid developers getting lost with uncommented code and examples only for leaderboards or native implementations.  🙂


Hi albmarvil, I think what you describe is expected behavior.  Get Definitions returns static game data - things that would be the same for all players and would often be included directly in your game asset packs.  Get Progress returns the status for the current user, however in this case it looks like the user has never posted a progress update so there is no information stored in the service.  So you can assume the default value, depending on your achievement type: locked, 0, empty bitfield.  We hear you on better docs, comments and samples.  We're working on it! 

Ok, yesterday after posting this I've realised this thing. The "Progress List" returns the achievements already unlocked by the user.

It is a shame the amount of hours wasted for something that could have been solved with a proper documentation. I hope that next versions of the plugin comes with something more related to the achievements.

By the way, the synchronisation between my own achievement system and Oculus Platform achievements works perfectly.

Honored Guest
Thank you, thank you, thank you for this! I was totally conceptualizing of this wrong. You can't get any info back if the achievement has not been unlocked. Goodness gracious, so unclear in the documentation.