Platform SDK Development
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Trouble Using Platform SDK

Hello! I'm having some trouble using the Oculus Platform SDK with my firewall setup. Is there anywhere I can find the needed ports to open to allow this to be done?I'm using Oculus Integration 1.28 and Platform 1.32 on Unity 2018.2.20f1Thank you!

Platform SDK and downloading asset dlc files

Hello everyone. We are having a tough time getting asset files and dlc bundles to download using the oculus.platfomr sdk. Anyone mind sharing some code to how your handling checking for existing content files and downloading new ones if they are not ...

ICED01 by Protege
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Copy customized OculusGo to multiple others

Hi,just because we will have a Project where we have to use multiple OculusGo - is it possible to customize one of them (video + kiosk mode) and copy that "image" to all my other GOs? This would make it so much easier, i have 20 of them and when ther...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Networking, Server and Oculus Platform

HiyaIm currently working on the networking portion of my experience, and have been dabbling with photon. (for Unity) It sort of does what I want. Have connected with a friend and chat via voice etc.However. Im wondering a few thingsLooking more into ...

pjenness by Rising Star
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ovr_Microphone_GetPCM not working

The ovr_Microphone_GetPCM function does not seem to work, it returns always 0.Instead if I use ovr_Microphone_GetPCMFloat or the deprecated function ovr_Microphone_ReadData, I can get the microphone data.Do I have to change some settings to get the m...

Platform SDK Integration on Mobile

Hello guys!Can't realize how to integrate Platform SDK to Oculus GO app, my app is in ALPHA channel and I trying to do all tests from store installation,First of all I am call for Entitlement: private const string LIKES_TO_WIOptional = "firstencounte...

Trouble with VOIP / Microphone

On Unity 2017.4.1f1 with platform SDK 1.28:1) I can't seem to mute the microphoneovr_Voip_SetMicrophoneMuted doesn't seem to do anything. No matter what I pass, ovr_Voip_GetSystemVoipMicrophoneMuted always returns VoipMuteState.Unmuted.If I mute the ...

Possible Bug with Oculus SDK for Unity

First of all, I am somewhat of a beginner with Unity and programming in general, but I am pretty sure I have found some sort of bug/unintended interaction within the Unity SDK. I am using Unity 2018.2.11f1 and the Oculus VR SDK for Unity 3.4.1.Essent...

EndritP by Honored Guest
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Asset download notification

Hello,Using the Platform SDK, I'm listening to "MessageWithAssetFileDownloadUpdate" messages to display a progressbar and act upon completion (using the "Completed" boolean). However, I've noticed that sometimes for a file, I'm not getting the last "...

Inpu by Protege
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Getting Started with One Computer

Hey guys,Experienced developer, but new to networking and platform SDK. I was wondering if there are any known (or not so known) ways to test features (P2P & VoIP) on one computer. I only have one Oculus and I'm having a hard time figuring out the ge...

GigaSora by Expert Protege
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Camera Tool with ZED Camera

I was trying to setup my ZED camera for doing mixed reality but when I run the camera tool and pick the ZED from the list it flags up about needing the SDK 2.3.I have 2.5.1. Is this a bug as I'm not looking to downgrade the SDK version.