How to get unique ID from purchased item ?
I'm implementing IAP. And I need Unique ID about purchased item for refund system in server side. ovr_Purchase_GetPurchaseID function is always return same value about each sku. Isn't have any solution?
I'm implementing IAP. And I need Unique ID about purchased item for refund system in server side. ovr_Purchase_GetPurchaseID function is always return same value about each sku. Isn't have any solution?
Hi !I'm trying to get the progress of a count achievement. I can access Achievement.IsUnlocked and Achievement.Name but is there any way to get the current progress before it's unlocked.Something like Achievement.Countforeach (var newAchievement in m...
HiyaIm wondering if (or will it be) store information is available as an API.Forexample. In an app could I access the store API to display information about other apps (their name, id, images etc etc).So for example if I had 2-3 games , I could actua...
Hi. For some players calling CloudStorage.Save(...) does not work. The error message in the callback is OVR44841117.Does anyone know what does it mean? Is there any place where there are more meaningful descripion of the error messages?Thanks.
I'm using Unity engine with Oculus Platform SDK. And I'm curious about if I call CloudStorage.Save in OnApplicationQuit, then exit game immediately, can cloud storage be updated correctly?
Hi! I'm currently working on a game for gear vr in unreal engine 4.17 and I am having difficulties with accessing some of the oculus platform features via the unreal OSS. I have gotten entitlement to work with the blueprint node Verify Entitlement bu...
When switching Oculus accounts in Home we noticed that our game's save data is wiped. That is when we sign out of an account which has unlockables to another account which has a different set of unlockables, the save data is missing is the second acc...
Hi there,I'm currently working on setting entitlements in app and found some issue with async operation, espacially AsyncInitialize.It is kinda stuck and not processing, I had to use normal Initialize instead. In code below, the callback OnComplete i...
Any chance we can delete a Cloud bucket (and all the blobs it contains) from the web interface?Especially if we haven't put our title out on the store front...?Matt
Hey guys, Is there any way to determine a legit error in the callback from ovr_CloudStorage_Load() vs. the file not existing on the cloud server? Also, I'd like to avoid having to load the metadata to get this info; any chance these could be added?Ma...
Hey guys, I have a work-around for this issue already (two steps, update then query user score), but it would make ours lives much easier if the return value of the update user score call would return the new rank of the user instead of just a bool s...
Hello there!I'm looking for a way that my game can use to check if touch controller got plugged in or out. I've searched the forum and found something about sensors but it's not my case.Also checked some code in plugin but couldn't find anything help...
Hello, i hope someone can help me.I am new at Unity Development and have developed my first game.After uploading in Dashboard(Oculus) and checking through Oculus team. i have to do entitlement.My english is not very good, so i have problems to get wh...
When testing via the Unreal Editor (4.17 from Oculus GitHub) leaderboards are updated as expected when using my development Oculus user and a test user I created in the dashboard (after adding the Side Loading registry entry).If I upload to the Alpha...
Hello there!I have a bit of issue atm with populating my test leaderboards. I've created 10 TestUsers and just logged in and out on their accounts and only two of them allowed me to upload scores. Here are steps I've performed.1.Created all 10 users....
Hi,It seems that requests like ovr_Room_Leave doesn't return with errors immediately when network is disconnected. Is it possible to set a time-out interval for these functions?Thanks.
Hi,I'm monitoring ovrMessage_Notification_Networking_ConnectionStateChange with ovr_PopMessage every frame. But after I disconnected the network, the message isn't received.I'm using SDK 1.8.0. Any solution?Thanks.
I'm currently experiencing an issue where calling ovr_User_GetImageUrl on one of our test users doesnt return anything. This is done through a ovr_User_GetLoggedInUserFriends callback.All other information returns fine, but no image url and only for ...
Can you please confirm the appropriate procedure for testing leaderboards at the alpha-testing stage, i.e. before the Oculus submission and prior to keys being available.Developer testing works fineI am using Unreal Engine 4.17 from the Oculus GitHub...
HI,With the Unity wrapper, when I call GetLoggedInUser, I got errorCode 1 and errorMessage "Internal Error: OVR35993423".Any idea?Thank you,Michaël
Hi, I want to get the logged in user from my GearVRf based android studio application. I downloaded Oculus Platform SDK 1.16 and noticed only and .h files are available in it. Copied the armeabi-v7a and it's content to jniLibs...
Hi it seems while support for old rift units has been dropped for the most part, and I understand the decision to move to the consumer edition, I have an old kit and was hoping for some help with the following:1) Where are copies of the old drivers f...
Referring to the Rift Intermediate Compatibility tests, is there any way to know if the sensor cables are disconnected?
I'm going through certification bugs and trying to figure out how to solve this one. As far as I can tell, login and entitlement checks all work successfully (with no errors). Is there some hidden information somewhere describing how to enforce this?
Hey everyone,I'm wondering if anyone knows if it's possible to use more than 2 Touch controllers. From what I understand it's possible to use more than 2 Vive Wands in a single session. Sometimes people use this to make those cool mixed reality-video...
I haven't found documentation regarding how to have my Gear VR (or Rift) users sign up to an email list. I've seen a few examples in Oculus store where this was possible by simply ticking a check box saying 'I agree to get promo emails etc' (with som...
Hi there,I'm using the Platform SDK in Unity for mobile [GearVR]. I'm creating a room with two users, enqueuing them through ovr_Matchmaking_Enqueue2() [Matchmaking.Enqueue2() in Unity], and then starting a match through ovr_Matchmaking_StartMatch() ...
Hello there! So I've got some errors typed in title that are about:ovr_Error_GetMessage or ovr_User_GetIDHow can i solve them? I know that it's something with libraries? But cannot quite find solution for it I surely have all includes becouse code d...
This discussion was created from comments split from: Platform SDK - Entitlement Check Failure.
The app is approved on all counts - except lack of entitlement check. Have tried to follow the documentation but to be honest - i am bewildered (more arty than codey - lol). I've setup the whole "can see in local store" procedure but need a whole bun...