07-15-2021 06:57 AM
Hello everyone,
I am encountering the problem similar to this thread: https://forums.oculusvr.com/t5/Unreal-Development/no-friend-list-got-since-01-March-2021/m-p/853125
I used Oculus SDK 28.0.0 in my UE4 project. I and my friends did register Data Use Checkup, uploaded to Alpha and Beta channel, downloaded and ran the same app. But it returned empty friend list.
Then I and my friends created and tested a new Unity project with the Oculus SDK to retrieve the friend list. And it returned empty also.
I wonder if anyone are getting this issue, and there is any solution for this? I really appreciate it.
11-06-2021 09:18 AM
Hello, any new about this issue ? Same for me for more than 5 months now https://forums.oculusvr.com/t5/Unreal-VR-Development/QUEST-2-Can-t-get-the-friend-list/m-p/880985 and there are many poeple with this issue but still no feedback ... https://forums.oculusvr.com/t5/Unreal-VR-Development/no-friend-list-got-since-01-March-2021/m-p/8531...