Hi I'm new here. I've just started working with the oculus Quest and I'm trying to create a scene in which multiple p2p players can see eachother. I don't want to overcomplicate everything yet, as the oculus SDK is rather new to me.
I'm working with unity 2019.1.8f1,
I donwloaded the Oculus Intergration pack today from the assetstore, so I'm pretty sure I've got the latest version
The scene I'm trying to run on an Oculus Quest is called VrVoiceCha, but all other scene's react the same, as the Entitled check is the first line of code.
I know about the social starter that exists, which should be about the same thing as I'm trying to create, but I haven't gotten it to work on the Quest (I've not even gotten past the IsUserEntitledToApplication validation).
The error message I get is: user does not have app in library.
I've folowed all steps in the VrVoiceChat sample, but this didn't work either (I tried this before getting to the social starter, which is why I name it here, both apps crash at startup, becuase the user is not entitled).
Right now I've got a organisation with an application on the oculus development website. I've subscribed to the app and I can see it in my developer feed (in Quest home, clicking the gear and selecting developer feed), BUT just a single button on the feed seems to be working. I can open the app and see the free and appinfo buttons, but they are not working. The cross sign, to close the window, does not seem to be working either (Almost if the raycast is caught by something else).
I'm feeling kind of hopeless after wasting two whole days trying to get sample applications to work :S and right now I'm downloading photon because I saw that working for some other devs.
I'm hoping that one of you awesome super devs (yes I'm praising you with hopes of a faster responce 😉 ) could help me. Is there someone who already got networking working in an application? Could it be that I just totally forgot super important stuff (wouldn't be the first time o:) )?
Furthermore are there easier or other options I should reconsider if oculus doesn't work yet, because I have little multiplayer experience and the only reason I picked photon is because I read about it working on another quest demo.
Thanks for reading about my problems, if I can find some more information I'll tell you all about it, but hopefully one of the beforementioned awesome super devs could help the mortals down here (that is considering there are probably more people dealing with this problem).