01-22-2020 05:53 PM
04-25-2023 05:41 PM
I know this is an old question but I noticed that as of 2023 the problem still persists, so maybe this can help somebody else. Basically in order to make emissive materials work on Quest you need to activate the "emissive" flag and set the emissive color to a very low value (i.e. rgb = 0.1f,0.1,0.1f) before deploying it on the headset. If you check the flag but leave the color to Black (i.e. rgb = 0.0f,0.0f,0.0f) it won't work (looks like a bug).
If you use that setup, you will then be able control the emissive color at runtime using:
mat.EnableKeyword ("_EMISSION");
mat.SetColor ("_EmissionColor", Color.red);