I am creating a new game in Unity with the Oculus SDK. I am using Unity 2019.2.8f.
I took the LocalAvatarWithGrab and put it into my scene. I also brought in a toy block to verify everything is working with grabbing and it does. I can pick up the blocks and throw them.
I added a gun model that I purchased on the asset store. It is pretty basic and low poly. I added a Mesh Collider first and then in trying to get it to work just added a box collider. Didn't make a difference.
I added the RigitBody and OVRGrabbable to the gun object. I copied all of the settings carefully from the toy blocks to the gun.
The gun just hangs there in the scene. Doesn't even adhere to physics like it should. I have looked and looked and compared everything and everything looks set up correctly. Gravity is turned on. There is a mass value. The gun does have an animator on it, but I can't see how that would affect it.
Can anyone give me some ideas what to look for that will help?