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In-app purchase failed. errorCode=0

Honored Guest

Hi, I have been trying to integrate IAPs into a Unity VR project using the Oculus SDK. I have a free consumable add-on defined in the developer console (I haven't set up payment info) and then in my C# code I have:

IAP.LaunchCheckoutFlow(product.Sku).OnComplete((res) => {
   LaunchCheckoutFlowCallback(res, callback);

Everything up to this point - retrieving the add-on etc. - works perfectly, but then when I try to run this, a popup opens and instantly closes and then I get this error in the android logcat 

[AndroidPlatformIntegration] In-app purchase failed. errorCode=0, httpStatusCode=0, errorMessage={"category":"user_canceled","code":0,"message":"The purchase has been canceled."}

and the Message<Purchase> (res) IsError is set to true in the LaunchCheckoutFlowCallback function, But I am not sure why. 

This is a build from Unity, not an uploaded build and I haven't tested if that would work. But other than that I don't know why I am getting this error.

Thanks for any help!



anyone was able to resolve this issue?
we are having the same 




Honored Guest

is there anyone who gets the solution?