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Incredibly hard time building to quest - stuck on three dots loading screen


I’m using the Meta XR SDK, Unity 6.0.34

Bit of a saga... I just can't figure out how to get quest builds reliably working on multiple headsets. Best I can do is an APK that works on my quest3 at home, but not my quest2 at work, or my colleagues' quest 3s. Getting to this point has already cost me about 15 hours of development time. 

The story so far...

Never had any problems actually building in Unity, it's always spat out an APK that I've been able to sideload onto the headset. When I ran it, it didn't even start, no loading screen or anything. Very, very frustratingly, it's not generating a player log, so debugging is a right pain. After digging through a very polluted logcat, and digging through the APK itself in ANdroid studio, I found the "entry point" in player settings needed to be set to "GameActivity" rather than "Activity", this took a good couple hours of trial and error and research to figure out. 

With this fixed, the headset now at least tried to open the app, but got stuck on the loading screen with the three white dots. Still no player log appearing on the device (yes, write permissions are set). After scouring the forums, I found a number of potential fixes, all of which I tried...

  1. Made sure only Oculus is is selected in XR Plugin Management Android
  2. Ensured file permissions are set
  3. Changed switching between vulkan and OpenGLES3 graphics APIs
  4. Changed toggling development build on/off
  5. Ensured only Arm64 is selected under target arch
  6. Tried changing texture compression settings
  7. Ensured graphics jobs is turned off
  8. Made sure I’m using a high enough minimum API level (android 10, API level 29)
  9. Made sure I’m using IL2CPP
  10. Made sure my headset is in developer mode
  11. Changed the player setttings’ package name each build to confirm player settings changes are actually taking effect
  12. Tried on both Quest2 and Quest3, exact same results
  13. Tried changing my asmdef files to reference the Meta XR packages explicitly
  14. Tried using the Meta tools to create and update the android manifest 


Then, I finally found that changing the input system from "both" to "new" seemed to fix it. Celebrations all round. Until... 

I ran another build. Absolutely nothing had changed, same application code, assets, build settings, same headset, but now it wouldn't work. I kept messing with settings, and occasionally would get a build that worked, but I would never be able to get two builds consecutively working, even without changes between. 

Eventually, I figured out that changing my build settings to not use a custom build profile, and instead changing the built-in one, seemed to do the trick. It seemed Unity was rolling a dice and unless I scored a 6, it decided to ignore my custom build profile and use the default android one, so just removing the custom build profile seemed to get builds working consistently. I made 4 builds in a row that all worked, and looked forward to demonstrating my working APK to my team the next morning

I get into work today, what do you know, exact same APK that was working on my quest 2, wont work on my quest 3. I send it to my colleagues to test on their quest 3, same issue. Stuck on the loading screen, 3 white dots - absolutely gutted to see this after spending so long on it already. Still no player log being generated, even on my working build at home. 

I've even tried doing all this on a completely empty unity project, literally just an empty scene with a camera rig, same problems 

Needless to say, very frustrated. I've spent about 15 hours of dev time on what should be an incredibly simple, boilerplate process. I just want to build an empty scene to quest, and have that build process reliably work. I've gone through this trial an error build process about 40 times now. Literally, I have a folder with about 40 dead APKs from various build configurations that have built up while trying to get this working. It shouldn't be this much of a battle. 

Can someone please tell me what on earth I'm doing wrong to make it this difficult??



Update, we've been able to get it working on my colleague's quest 3, but still not my quest 2. I do suspect my quest 2 might just be janky though, I think its stuck on an old version. Tried to go into the boot menu to update it but its still not picking up the update, trying a factory reset. 

Honored Guest

Hi, I seem to have very similar problem with my Quest 3 and Unity builds suddenly not working anymore.

Do you have since any new solutions ?