So, I'm having this trouble with Unity and Oculus Quest when it comes to something as simple as picking up objects. I've been working with Quest before and have had no problems with developing for the headset, but this I can't really figure out.
I use the OVRPlayerController in a simple example with a OVRGrabbable and OVRGrabbers. When I pickup something without Parent Held Object checked the object just snaps in mid air at the same position as my head, but if I have the Parent Held Object checked it works as expected. I've tried several versions of Unity and tgether with different versions of Oculus Utilities.
Currently I'm on the absolute latest versions of both the game engine and the utilities: * Unity 3D 2019.3.0f6 * Oculus Utilities 1.44
It didn't work with Unity 2019.2.19f1 or Unity 2019.2.15f combined with either the Oculus Utilities 1.38 or the latest version.
* Video when not working is found here. Red/left hand is using parenting and right/green is not (this forum doesn't allow me to post links yet so the following link is intentionally broken by a whitespace after https://):
* Project is available on Google Drive (link is intentionally broken by a whitespace after https://). ;