Hi! I'm using normal Unity 2019.1.0f2 and latest Oculus package 1.36. When I build my app for Android phone, it works; same for desktop; same for running in Unity, all without any errors. When I use Build & Run for my USB-connected Quest (I don't have any approved pitch yet, so I'm using a development build for testing), it compiles without errors, but then everything stays pitch black -- even though beginning music and my ocean sounds loop are heard fine -- and it then usually crashes. Help please?
My "adb logcat *:W" output below, I'm not sure exactly when the errors for my app (called Chatty) start, as I also get plenty of warnings and such before even starting it. Thanks!
07-03 13:44:03.555 3680 3762 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/framework/tcmclient.jar
07-03 13:44:04.653 1843 1905 W System.err: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No default service found in application. Package chatty.center is not a valid Panel Service.
07-03 13:44:04.653 1843 1905 W System.err: at com.oculus.vrshell.util.PanelAppConfigurationUtil.buildPanelAppConfiguration(PanelAppConfigurationUtil.java:72)
07-03 13:44:04.653 1843 1905 W System.err: at com.oculus.vrshell.MainActivity.getPanelAppConfiguration(MainActivity.java:1069)
07-03 13:44:04.653 1843 1905 W PanelUtil_JNI: JVM exception occurred: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No default service found in application. Package chatty.center is not a valid Panel Service. - chatty.center/
07-03 13:44:04.654 1843 1905 W System.err: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No default service found in application. Package chatty.center is not a valid Panel Service.
07-03 13:44:04.654 1843 1905 W System.err: at com.oculus.vrshell.util.PanelAppConfigurationUtil.buildPanelAppConfiguration(PanelAppConfigurationUtil.java:72)
07-03 13:44:04.654 1843 1905 W System.err: at com.oculus.vrshell.MainActivity.getPanelAppConfiguration(MainActivity.java:1069)
07-03 13:44:04.654 1843 1905 W PanelUtil_JNI: JVM exception occurred: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No default service found in application. Package chatty.center is not a valid Panel Service. - chatty.center/
07-03 13:44:04.664 1957 1981 W LibraryProvider: Cannot find entitlement for chatty.center
07-03 13:44:04.664 1843 1905 W OCMSLibrary: null cursor received for query content://com.oculus.ocms.library/apps/chatty.center
07-03 13:44:04.705 3960 3960 E NuxPreferencesModule: Trying to unregister nonexistent Receiver. This should be harmless.
07-03 13:44:04.938 1957 1970 W LibraryProvider: Cannot find entitlement for com.oculus.vrshell.home
07-03 13:44:04.946 1751 1938 W OCMSLibrary: null cursor received for query content://com.oculus.ocms.library/apps/com.oculus.vrshell.home
07-03 13:44:04.951 1957 1969 W LibraryProvider: Cannot find entitlement for com.oculus.vrshell.home
07-03 13:44:04.952 1751 1923 W OCMSLibrary: null cursor received for query content://com.oculus.ocms.library/apps/com.oculus.vrshell.home
07-03 13:44:05.181 1139 1171 W ActivityManager: Activity pause timeout for ActivityRecord{5259d62 u0 com.oculus.vrshell/.MainActivity t53}
07-03 13:44:05.359 2080 2080 W ClientMgr: ClientMgr::SetActiveCompositorClient: No active client
07-03 13:44:05.364 1957 1981 W LibraryProvider: Cannot find entitlement for com.oculus.vrshell
07-03 13:44:05.368 1751 1751 W OCMSLibrary: null cursor received for query content://com.oculus.ocms.library/apps/com.oculus.vrshell
07-03 13:44:05.379 1751 1751 E OVRMediaServiceManager: Not initialized
07-03 13:44:05.526 1751 1773 W SDKLoggingService: Unable to update activity ms com.oculus.vrshell, not in library.
07-03 13:44:05.630 4097 4112 E Unity : Unable to find libAudioPluginOculusSpatializer
07-03 13:44:05.699 4097 4112 W AudioTrack: notificationFrames=-21 clamped to the range -1 to -8
07-03 13:44:05.700 545 1243 E voice_extn: voice_extn_compress_voip_out_get_parameters: COMPRESS_VOIP_ENABLED is not defined
07-03 13:44:05.702 545 598 W AudioFlinger: createTrack_l(): mismatch between requested flags (00000104) and output flags (00000006)
07-03 13:44:06.308 4097 4112 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/VrDriver/lib/arm
07-03 13:44:06.403 2080 2359 W Vulkan_Utils: Memory type 24 with properties 10 not found.
07-03 13:44:06.449 4097 4112 E libEGL : call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread)
07-03 13:44:06.533 2080 2359 W Vulkan_Utils: Memory type 24 with properties 10 not found.
07-03 13:44:06.651 1957 1970 W LibraryProvider: Cannot find entitlement for chatty.center
07-03 13:44:06.652 1751 1751 W OCMSLibrary: null cursor received for query content://com.oculus.ocms.library/apps/chatty.center
07-03 13:44:06.658 1751 1751 E OVRMediaServiceManager: Not initialized
07-03 13:44:06.675 1957 1969 W LibraryProvider: Cannot find entitlement for chatty.center
07-03 13:44:06.676 1751 2061 W OCMSLibrary: null cursor received for query content://com.oculus.ocms.library/apps/chatty.center
07-03 13:44:06.717 1751 2390 W VRLifecycleManager: onHeadsetUnmounted
07-03 13:44:06.723 4097 4140 W Unity : Oculus Patched Thread Core Affinity on threads: 4112 and 4140
Uh oh. I am here in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike. Seems like there is not a fix yet. What is sad is this was working before. I pushed a lot to the Go and Quest. Now Nada.
I even bought a $3200.00 RTX2080 MSI laptop to work the graphics faster in development. Now dev push is dead in the water.