10-16-2019 01:50 PM
List of devices attached
1PASH9ADMX9305 no permissions; see [http://developer.android.com/tools/device.html] usb:1-1.4 transport_id:13
12-29-2020 03:49 PM
CalMor95 said:
This worked for me ONLY when I plugged in my Quest into my PC AFTER SideQuest was already open. hope that helps!
12-31-2020 02:37 AM
CalMor95 said:
This worked for me ONLY when I plugged in my Quest into my PC AFTER SideQuest was already open. hope that helps!
This was the problem... Thank you !! ❤️
01-21-2021 02:10 PM
07-25-2021 11:25 AM
Help I tried this and it said that the system could not find the path specified.
09-08-2021 08:50 PM
everything showed up in PS except for 1PASE9AZ3GK141 unauthorized why is that?
05-01-2022 12:56 AM
How are you suppose to do that if it says there is no device connected.
05-01-2022 01:05 AM
nvm that but it doesnt say that there is any devices connected
PS C:\Users\Rose\AppData\Roaming\SideQuest\scrcpy> .\adb.exe start-server
* daemon not running; starting now at tcp:5037
* daemon started successfully
PS C:\Users\Rose\AppData\Roaming\SideQuest\scrcpy> .\adb.exe devices
List of devices attached
PS C:\Users\Rose\AppData\Roaming\SideQuest\scrcpy>