04-12-2024 02:42 PM
I'm using the Aframe library to program a Meta Quest 2 using html and javascript. I used a usb cable from my windows PC to the headset to preload a video file on to the headset's Internal shared storage, into the preexisting Movies folder: "Movies/my_video_file.webm". I tried this in html:
<video id="my_video_id" src="Movies/my_video_file.webm">
But this gives me an http 404 not found error. And in tried it with "file://" but this gives me "...not allowed".
Is there a way for me to set the src attribute so that it accesses that video file stored locally?
Or is there any other way to store a video file locally and access it via Aframe so that I don't have to download it from the web server?
Example: when running on a desktop browser I use something like this:
var dirHandle = await window.showDirectoryPicker();
to get the user to allow access to the PC directory where my video file is stored. But this doesn't seem to work on the Meta Quest Browser.