Thank you prokshit. I am currently tackling three major issues.
Is there a faster way to deploy to the Quest? It takes some time to run tests, because deploying to the quest using the USB3 cable takes some significant time. Isn't there a way to simulate the Quest-Deployment directly on PC?
For some reason, when running the app with Five-Primitive Objects only, I am dropping in some areas down to 55-FPS. All lights are static, everything is baked.
When running on the Quest, and moving my head left to right, the objects look like they are "jumping". A jittery effect happens. What could possible cause that problem and how to fix it?
additional question: if you don't have a PC, how can you copy a packaged Android Game to the Quest and run it?
Problem #1: As you can see in the Video, I am having an AA issue. The edges appear jaggy and black - I am using 8xMSAA .
There is also an additional problem, you can NOT see in the video-capture. When using the Quest, the cubes (1mx1m) seem to "jump" when turning the headset. Ruins the entire experience and can make your head spin.
For some reason, we can also see a significant FPS-Drop when looking at the cubes or the picture on the wall. Even so, I am just dealing only with 1000 triangles, just using static lights and all is baked.
What could cause the problem and how could I fix that?
If I'm not mistaken, the Quest is hardcoded to 4x MSAA.
Are you using textures that have a size of 2^n ? How complex are your materials? A big part of your view is filled with the same material so maybe look for problems within the materials.
I downloaded your project file to have a look myself but there are 2 issues that prevent me to open it;
1. its using substance textures so I need to download and install the substance plugin. Dont need it and dont want to add it to UE.
2. apparently its using a custom build UnrealEngine so its asking me to rebuild UE. Don't want to do that in case it could potentially break other projects.
My project is setup with "Scalable 3D or 2D". So the "jumping" still remains and that doesn't really cause this problem.
@MaxArch: The Plugin Substance: You don't need that plugin at all. Just uncheck in the Plugin Settings. And you are 100% good. There are only 4-Materials I am using for this test.
They are Standard Unreal Materials. And only texture maps are added to the Difuse Slot. One Shader (on the red sphere) is using some roughness. Just to test reflection.
It's a super simple setup, just with primitive objects.
Custom Build UnrealEngine: That's odd. I am just using the latest 4.24.2 you can download from the Epic Launcher. It's nothing special, just the general build.
Updated Scene File: In my latest Project File, I added a rotating head-sculpture. I wanted to see the performance when an object is rotating. As expected, Frames Drop. For the rotation I am losing about -20 FPS. Wow, that's a lot.
I had a look at the project file. I haven't tested it on the Quest but you could try changing these settings in the Project Settings;
Rendering section; - lower the reflection capture resolution to 256 or 128. 2048 is way too high. - set auto exposure to manual - instanced stereo not needed for quest
Android section; - Quest is 64 bit if I'm not mistaken. Use arm64 - Disable Vulkan - its not as fast as OpenGl (yet) + Vulkan has artifacts. - Multi texture formats - untick all but ASTC
Lights in your scene;
- there are multiple stationary and moveable lights. Put them all to static and only change one to something else if you have moving objects and you really need real-time shadows.
- there are several textures that are not using the 2^n size. Textures should be 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 in pixel size so Unreal can create mip maps. 512x512 is ok. 512x2048 is ok etc. If you don't do this, Unreal will always have the large resolution texture loaded instead of switching back to a lower one if appropriate. The 'have a nice day' texture in Unreal already takes 40Mb like this.
I strongly recommend to watch several tutorial series by Sjoerd de Jong on materials, real time rendering, lighting etc Several of your issues are explained in these videos.