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getAuthToken not supported when trying to use colocation since Firmware 70 and 71 (Unity)

Honored Guest


my team and I have been able to successfully use the experimental Colocation Building Block in Unity successfully until recently. Some of our headsets have been updated from firmware version v69 to v70 or v71. Since then, the Colocation feature is failing to initialize. When PlatformInit.GetEntitlementInformation gets called, it throws the following error:

Failed to retrieve access token: 1 - getAuthToken not supported

This seems to only affect some headsets that have been updated, on another one it works. Headsets with v69 all seem to work. I tried both Unity Netcode for Gameobjects and Photon Fusion and different users on the headsets which have all been added as test users for the app in the correct release channel in the Meta Developer Dashboard app, the problem persists on the headsets affected. They have also been factory reset - nothing seems to work.

Any help would be appreciated. Kind regards,




Hi dahniii,

i managed to get it working. Be aware that the following "solution" is a quick "fix". I have not investigated further if there are side effects by implementing the following:


  1. goto /Library/PackageCache/com.meta.xr.sdk.core/Scripts/BuildingBlocks/MultiplayerBlocks/Shared/PlatformInit/Scripts/PlatformInit_.cs (That's the script which is attached to the Building Block named "Platform Init")
  2. Replace the line "Users.GetAccessToken().OnComplete(GetAccessTokenComplete);" with "GetAccessTokenComplete();"
  3. Replace the line "void GetAccessTokenComplete(Message<string> msg)" with "void GetAccessTokenComplete()"
  4. in the same Method delete the if-condition and the part which would be executed if the statement is true. Just let the code there which you can find in the else statement.
  5. instead of "var accessToken = msg.Data;" declare an empty string.

Now it's working again. But thats only a temporary solution. Meta has to investigate it further and provide an fix.