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[re-Quest] detect QR codes to exchange with virtual 3d objects

Heroic Explorer
Read this suggestion on Reddit and it could be nice;
If the Insight cameras could detect QR codes in the real world you could add virtual objects on that location to a vr model of the same space.
No privacy issues if it just reads and outputs the QR code somehow.

Why would that be useful? For instance; 
a remodeling of a large office floor. You would do the main / large changes in the 3d model. Output to the Quest. Map the actual room to the Guardian. Then lay out some printed qr codes on the floor and together with the client change /move the location of these minor elements / furniture to the desired position.
Also nice to quickly change design options.


Scan qr code is a very important function i think.


MaxArch said:

Read this suggestion on Reddit and it could be nice;
If the Insight cameras could detect QR codes in the real world you could add virtual objects on that location to a vr model of the same space.
No privacy issues if it just reads and outputs the QR code somehow.

Why would that be useful? For instance; 
a remodeling of a large office floor. You would do the main / large changes in the 3d model. Output to the Quest. Map the actual room to the Guardian. Then lay out some printed qr codes on the floor and together with the client change /move the location of these minor elements / furniture to the desired position.
Also nice to quickly change design options.

Really necessary: we are usually making reforms in laboratories and we have hung some sheets with QR codes in some pillars. These QR codes show a 360-degree rendered view from that location on ipads or mobiles. The next step is to access those QR codes through the Quest2 and have the same experience, but immersive. To do so it would be needed to read from passthrough mode these codes and link to the URL that shows the pano....