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Meta Avatars SDK (Feedback/Issues)

Retired Support

Do you have any feedback and/or issues in regards to the Meta Avatars SDK? Use this place to discuss, as we'll have members of the engineering team reviewing this thread!


Read the blog on the Meta Avatars SDK here:


Refer to the Meta Avatars SDK documentation here:

113 REPLIES 113


It seems that now we cannot load more than one avatar with the same ID? It used to be possibe not so long ago. This makes networking development more tedious. It would be good if you enable again loading more than one avatar from the same Oculus ID.


Me and my team encountered other issues.

Avatar Tracking:
Problem when "Split Application Binary" is set to true, avatar are not tracked in build, they are when "development build" is set to True


Custom hand poses:
Our hands have unexpected behavior and are totally broken,hand.png


Hey folks - Thanks for starting this thread.


I am new to the Avatars SDK. I have my dev environment setup (macOS 12.2, Unity 2021.2.13f1) and building other OVR sample projects to my Quest 2.


I followed the basic setup/configuration guide (i.e. got my app setup and approved and assigned it to the platform settings in Unity) and have tried to build and test using the Avatar2 sample scenes. So, far, not a single avatar shows in a built app.


Might anybody have gotten this to work recently?


Any help is welcome. Thank you.


Using macOS 12.2 and Unity 2020.3 version. Unable to get sample avatars to load in scene — same errors every time: dll exception, package cannot be found in library. Everything renders except the preloaded avatars. Anyone else having a similar issue?


Not working on mac -- DllExceptionError.


Been messing around with the Avatar SDK for a little over a week now and have some feedback as well as a couple questions.

Feedback is in regards to documentation. I found it a bit lacking in some areas.

For example, when it comes to loading avatars by user id, the avatar documentation makes no mention of the fact that a user's ID is different between the Rift and Quest versions of the app. Since you cannot put AppLab(Quest) apps in an App Grouping, there is no way to make them use the same ID as the Rift version. Therefore you need to use Users.GetOrgScopedID(user.ID) and use that ID if you plan to network avatars between Rift and Quest versions of your app. Would have been nice if this was included somewhere in the documentation.

Also, in the Best Practises section, it mentions deep linking to the avatar system editor, but nowhere in the documentation does it say how to do this. The App Deep Linking documentation page only tells you to call Platform.Application.LaunchOtherApp and provide the app id of the app that you want to launch into. However, how do we find the app id of the Avatar System Editor? I have tried using CAPI.ovr_Application_GetInstalledApplications() to retrieve a list of the installed apps so I can go through them to find the avatar editor and its app id, but it's not even included in the returned list, so I'm at a loss here. However I'm new to deep linking in general so it's possible I'm just missing something obvious.

I may have other documentation suggestions as I continue to work with the SDK, but those were my main gripes for now.

As for my questions, I was wondering if it's at all possible to customize the clothing of an avatar in-game? Seems like it's not possible, but wanted to ask to make sure. If not, would this be something to consider adding in the future? Alternatively, will it be possible to have avatar clothing as unlockable items (similar to how you can unlock new items for your Oculus Home) so a player can wear your unlockable in other games as well?

All that being said, I've been having fun playing around with the SDK and look forward to seeing how it will evolve over time.

I finally got around to testing the same build process from my Windows machine. Worked with minimal effort.


Is the build process somehow not packaging the avatar dll when building from Mac?

Anybody having issues getting the avatars to load when building the app for Quest/Quest 2 from Mac (possibly even Windows), I had to change the following settings (I am not sure if all are needed or just a couple, as I just got it working) in addition to normal Quest build settings:
- Player Settings > Other Settings > Rendering > Graphics API - only OpenGLES3 (Vulkan probably works but, I removed it for the moment)

- Player Settings > Other Settings > Configuration > Scripting Backend > IL2CPP instead of Mono

- Player Settings > Other Settings > Configuration > Api Compatability Level* > .NET Framework instead of .NET Standard 2.1

This did not work for me 😞 These are the errors I am getting.Screen Shot 2022-03-08 at 1.23.57 PM.png

Can you please tell me where your libovrgpuskinning and ovravatar2 files are located on mac?