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Voice SDK (Feedback/Issues)

Retired Support

Do you have any feedback and/or issues in regards to the Voice SDK? Use this place to discuss, as we'll have members of the team reviewing this thread!


Read the blog on Presence Platform (of which the Voice SDK is a part of) here:


Expert Protege

I am trying to understand how to use the Dictation feature of the Voice SDK in languages other than English. I think I can set the default to a language and maybe change the configuration? Not sure. Also how could I have more than one language active? I would like it to detect and understand different languages, or at worst be able to change from some menu setting at runtime.

Expert Protege

Also for reference even if I try another WitConfiguration in another language (Spanish or Italian) the Dication doesn't work. Switching to English works fine but it doesn't seem to like configurations other than English (assigned to the AppDicationExperience.cs)

The voice sdk is controlled by which lets you select only one language at a time for each app... I think that you need to do different scenes connected to different configurations

I'm also currently having this issue. Is there a fix for this?

I figured it out, the best way to do it to use a multi-transcription request. In the dictation sample scene they show you how to do it.

Honored Guest

I get the following error when trying to load Unity (Unity 6) in WebGL in a project that also has this package as a dependency (a dependency of a dependency..):
Library\PackageCache\com.meta.xr.sdk.voice\Lib\\Scripts\Runtime\WitRequest.cs(374,17): error CS0103: The name '_log' does not exist in the current context

If you open the file, you can see that the word _log is only in one place in the whole file, inside of an #if directive for WebGL, and removing that line (or updating it with Logger.Warning call instead of _log.Warning) resolves the issue. This has persisted for at least 2 versions, I think. Can we please get this issue resolved in the next patch version?


Edit: Upon doing a build I also received a few more errors, actually.

Honored Guest
I upgraded the Voice SDK to 71.0.0 and now everything seems to be broken.
It seems, the original Wit-Compononts are missing. For example the AppVoiceExperience and AppDicationExperience.
I reimported the samples and the DictationSampleScene seems to be broken too.
When i start it i get a NullReferenceException because there is no DictationService-Object anymore.
When i select the "App Dictation Experience"-GameObject, all the properties in the inspector are missing now.
As well as in my own scenes.
When i add a component and search for "dictation" it suggests "Wit Dictation" now. The "App Dictation Experience" is gone.
Is my project broken or the SDK?
Edit: I had version 67.0.0 before.
Edit2: Fixed it. I cached the Voice SDK in my local Unity-Packages folder because i get a weird readonly-error if i do not. Had to delete v67 and copy v71 into it and now everything is working again.