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Gear VR with Lightweight Pipeline not work

Hi I'm using Unity 2018.1.0f2 + LightWeight render pipeline + gear VR .
App not working and showing black screen. but if I switch to unity normal render pipeline then its work.

Hey all, you have to "Set the project to linear color space in Player Settings",
this is a really easy step to miss in the setup, and will result in a
black screen when you build to Oculus GO. This is in the steps, but
again, easy to miss:
Twitter: @RickEM

Not applicable

cgmonkee said:

Hey all, you have to "Set the project to linear color space in Player Settings",
this is a really easy step to miss in the setup, and will result in a
black screen when you build to Oculus GO. This is in the steps, but
again, easy to miss:

@cgmonkee thanks for sharing pal, but that simple trick didn't fix it for me. Tried Gamma AND Linear Color Space. Still doesn't work. Well, to be completely honest, there is a difference between both settings.
To elaborate :
Gamma => Plain Black Screen
while Linear => Scene compiles and is rendered inside the Gear VR BUT No VR (mono camera and no head movement).

If anyone has any ideas they are very welcome. I'll dig it that and keep you posted if I find anything useful. Cheers. Z.

Honored Guest

play_edu said:

I created new projects with unity 2018.2.0f2 with LWRP for VR template. it's work. but I update rendering pipeline to 3.0.0 then it's not Work. also, Empty projects with LWRP 3.0.0 with unity 2018.2.1f1 not work. When I run app In oculus -go then device get a freeze.

I'm not using any postprocessing or anti-aliasing script and also disable option MSAA in camera.

Please suggest me can I use LWRP for production (Gear VR / GO ).


Same here with Unity 2018.2.10f1. I get a black screen and a freeze. Without LWRP everything works fine.

I also have/had the same problem trying to deploy something on GearVR. I was waiting on 2018.3 because I hoped that might have fixed it.
It did not.
BUT while looking though all the new features and stuff I noticed that there is a new package available though the PackageManager which is "Oculus(Android)". Once I imported that package I could successfully deploy my project to GearVR again.

So, this might not be the fix for everybody's problem, but when using LWRP on a recent Unity version, check the PackageManager and import the "Oculus (Android)" package.