Hi, I can't seem to run that entitlement check which I need to release to the oculus store. In unity I used this sample code from the documentation. I attached that to a gameobject in my starting scene and entered my App ID in the Edit Platform Settings. When I check in the editor everything seems fine. But when I build the app and check in the Gear i don't get any debug messages (neither pass nor fail message). So it seems like my entitlement script is not run at all. Of course when pushing to the store the app is declined because of that. Do you have any idea what is going on here? Why does the script not run? Thanks! Daniel
(Unity v2018.2 - Oculus Integration for Unity 1.29.0)
I solved the problem: I actually had to install the Oculus Windows Software (that 10gb thing for the Oculus Rift). That should definately find its way into the documentation because it is nowhere stated...
I've always had the same problem... to get around the issue, I had to add a system Exception catch... I'm not sure if I'm doing it wrong as well, but this has worked in my case. Here's some pseudo code for Unity: