My gear VR works great however I would like to cast what the user is seeing onto a TV. I setup the chromecast and linked it to the phone but all the instructions say to then hit the Chromecast icon in the oculus software. I have looked everywhere and can't find the chromecast icon anywhere in the software.. I've looks through all settings and can't figure it out. HELP please. I know what the chromecast icon looks like BTW. Thanks Ray
Im having the same issue... When it was 1st announced the ability to cast i have been trying and trying but don't seem to be getting anywhere. All other forums give step by step instructions and if the cast icon is not available then it's possible we haven't received the latest update yet.. either the oculus app or android, or TV firmware / software update... I get regular updates to all of these but still no cast icon???? I have a S8+ and Samsung TV and all up to date. I can use smart view or YouTube to cast on these devices but not oculus??? Can any one help?