12-28-2014 08:59 AM
Testing apps on GearVR is not as trivial as on the Rift, since apps need to contain a device specific signature file. Usually, this signature file has to be included at compile time, however I have written GearVRPublicAPKTesting, a little tool which can inject signature files into an existing apk.
Download my game: http://vr-bits.com/#nighttimeterrorPreview is now closed. Thanks to everyone for testing the game. Expect a GearVR release in the near future.- Use this Android app to get your device id (also made by me): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.skyworxx.gearvrnote4deviceidgrabber
- Create a signature file on this website: https://developer.oculus.com/tools/debug/
- Download this tool and unpack it: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fyi8xnxxakpq6km/GearVRPublicAPKTesting_0.0.2.7z?dl=0 (it requires JRE)
- Place my game and your signature file in the folder of the tool
- In a command prompt navigate to that folder and run:
run.bat NighttimeTerror_0.16_LAUNCHER.apk YOUR_SIGNATURE_FILE
Replace YOUR_SIGNATURE_FILE with the name of your signature file
For mac users, calling the PublicAPKTesting.jar directly should work:
java -jar PublicAPKTesting.jar NighttimeTerror_0.16_LAUNCHER.apk YOUR_SIGNATURE_FILE- A new apk has been created with the name signed_NighttimeTerror_0.16_LAUNCHER.apk. Transfer it to your phone. select it in the 'my files" file browser, install it and launch it from the app drawer (NOT from Oculus Home)
- Start the game and enter your username (right panel) if you like. Let's see who can beat the highscore 😄
12-28-2014 09:05 AM
12-28-2014 10:20 AM
12-28-2014 12:45 PM
12-28-2014 01:23 PM
12-28-2014 03:49 PM
"natbro" wrote:
nice instructions for re-packing an APK - that would be an awesome standalone tool for people to use to share APK's with one another, especially with novice/non-programmer users. but for now super useful instructions just for testing with other technical folks, thanks for figuring it out!
"rsplatpc" wrote:
I get "Nighttime Terror has closed unexpectedly" after 2-4 seconds of music and a black screen
12-28-2014 04:58 PM
"Kingchud" wrote:
I noticed on the christmas level that the enemies were starting waaaaaay to the right and walking along the outside of the rug before coming in to attack you and with the size of that level it made it feel really slow and empty.
12-28-2014 05:20 PM
12-28-2014 05:54 PM
12-28-2014 06:24 PM