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No Note 5 For Europe

In a change of strategy, the South Korean firm has no plans at present to release the Note 5 in Europe - a decision it says is purely for marketing reasons.

One company-watcher said that could be a mistake.

"The Note would have been a good fit for Europe's enterprise market, and if Samsung expects the S6 Edge+ to attract the same business users I don't believe it will succeed," commented Francisco Jeronimo from market research firm IDC.
Big PC, all the headsets, now using Quest 3

Expert Protege
I was a fan of Note but now I prefer to buy S6 Edge+.
But I only buy if the final version of Gear vr out in September

"pedrw" wrote:
I was a fan of Note but now I prefer to buy S6 Edge+.
But I only buy if the final version of Gear vr out in September

Same here - it all depends on which phone goes into the Gear VR for me now.

If it's a Nokia 1998, count me in! 😄
Big PC, all the headsets, now using Quest 3

Expert Protege
"andyring" wrote:
"pedrw" wrote:
I was a fan of Note but now I prefer to buy S6 Edge+.
But I only buy if the final version of Gear vr out in September

Same here - it all depends on which phone goes into the Gear VR for me now.

If it's a Nokia 1998, count me in! 😄

Nokia? Nokia does not work with Gear vr. And the cardboard vr is not comparable to Gear vr

Gear vr will only work with new phones Sansung

"pedrw" wrote:
"andyring" wrote:
"pedrw" wrote:
I was a fan of Note but now I prefer to buy S6 Edge+.
But I only buy if the final version of Gear vr out in September

Same here - it all depends on which phone goes into the Gear VR for me now.

If it's a Nokia 1998, count me in! 😄

Nokia? Nokia does not work with Gear vr. And the cardboard vr is not comparable to Gear vr

Gear vr will only work with new phones Sansung

Errrrm... it was a joke pedrw. I was saying i don't care which phone it is that works with the consumer Gear VR, that's the one i'll buy.

But never mind.
Big PC, all the headsets, now using Quest 3

Expert Protege
Ah! you are not Gear vr fan and appeared only here to give us this bad news, LOL

No CV1 for EUA

I feel that there is a certain contempt in the community vr against Gear vr

If this news was about CV1 all people would be shocked and hysterical, LOL

For me Gear vr is a good mobile option. And I intend to also buy HTC or Rift