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Oculus Native Spatializer for Unity: Reverberation engine not working on device


I'm experimenting with the Oculus Native Spatializer in Unity version 5.5.1f1.
I'm currently only using a single Unity Scene.

I've followed all the indications and:
  1. attached the ONSPAudioSource script to all my AudioSources and
  2. checked the "Spatialization Enabled" and "Reflections Enabled",
  3. enabled the "OCULUS ATTENUATION" and set as range 1 to 1000 meters

Then created a "Main" Audio Mixer and:
  • routed each AudioSource to it
  • added the OculusSpatializerReflection effect to its main channel.
The thing is that all works and sounds as expected when I run the scene from the Unity editor.

However when I upload the application to the Gear VR, while the "dry" HRTF spatialization works, no reverberations are present.

I connected adb to the device wirelessly to the device and seen that when the app is running, LogCat is flooded with continuous logs (log tag OvrAudio, Info level) saying: 
   Shared Reverb unavailable
I'm using a Samsung S7 (SM-G930F, Europe) running Android 6.0.1.

Any clues on what might be causing the issue?
