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Samsung Phones and the overheating problem

Honored Guest
How about creating fans for cooling in the new  Gear VR for Samsung phones.   The small fans can cool the phones and keep the users engaged longer..     Add fans at the bottom, sides or top.   User should be able to plug in to the charger port and start the fan at the same time.     That is free..   

Honored Guest
The is not the problem of the Gear VR, but the overheating of the Samsung s6 or s7 , the VR mode used more power.   I used a pillow and keep the VR cool.  Any fan would do it.     

I simply sit in front of a desk fan and can go until the battery on my Note 4 IE dies. Clearly, I don't care how I may look!

Honored Guest
I have the Note 4 version of GearVR. I solved the overheating issues with a 3D printed face plate, small computer case fan and a battery pack that I attach to the top strap with velcro. You can use the 3D Hubs site to find someone near you to print the face plate. I have had zero issues with overheating since I got this.

Havent experenced overheating in my S7 yet. And ive played probably 3-4 hours without pause.

Honored Guest
I have an S7 Edge. i am only able to use the VR for about 25 minutes before getting a notification saying the phone needs to cool down before continuing. I have made sure all other programs are closed before using but I am still having the same issue.