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Stereo Cube Map in Gear VR?

Honored Guest
Hey guys/girls,

I've recently made a stereographic cube map in VRay, rendered/saved out as a jpeg and want to use my galaxy S6 and gear VR to view it, but every time I open it it is incredibly distorted - as if it's trying to load it as an equirectangular projection.

Is there any way to force it (the samsung gear VR app) to recognise the image as a stereo cube map? There appears to be very little documentation on this, and that that I have found seems to relate to older apps (Oculus 360 photos) that don't exist any more(?)

Thanks in anticipation


Honored Guest
Nice to see Samsung taking an active interest in resolving customer/developer issues.

Not applicable
I got mine to work by using Ue4 - or perhaps try looking at Otoy - They may have a viewer for Gear VR...

Take a look at how it worked for me on my app -

Let me know how you get on and I'll see if we can sort out your issue.



Yep Otoy makes ORBX for Gear which is a great cubemap viewer.

Honored Guest
I'm not looking at making my own app/viewer.

I'm looking at using 360 rendered images that I've created in a pre-existing app. I could render them out as equirectangular projections, however this uses an inordinate amount of pixels for both of the poles, whereas a cubemap doesn't.

My first question then is does the official samsung gear VR app support the display of cubemaps (even mono cubemaps)?

Secondly if it does how do I go about forcing it to recognise an image as such, rather than as an equirectangular projections?

Thirdly if it does not recognise cubemaps, does it support stereo equirectangular projections?

Honored Guest
In fact, the problem is not the app (EDIT : even if I remember correctly now, the default samsung app isn't displaying it correctly either, use Oculus 360 Photos, it's perfect) or gear vr, it's vray (or 3ds max). If you open your file in photoshop and save it again as jpeg again it works flawlessly !
I would rather advise to save as PNG in 3ds Max then convert it to jpeg using another software (so you can play with quality settings if the size of the file vs quality is your concern).

I don't understand why the jpg saved by vray/3ds max isn't recognized, however.