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What Questions Do You Have For Team Oculus On Samsung Gear?

Hi Everyone,

I managed to get an audience with developers of the Oculus Gear VR for the Newspaper I work with...any and all questions welcome.

Let me know what you all want to ask!


I'm leaning towards asking a lot of Cinema VR hopefully people can give me more creative questions to ask :lol:

Honored Guest
Some questions:

Any chance of seeing hand tracking or even inside-out position tracking integrated with the consumer GearVR with the Nimble aquisition ?

Will the half moon controllers work with gearVR too ?

Honored Guest
"FrederickD" wrote:
Some questions:

Any chance of seeing hand tracking or even inside-out position tracking integrated with the consumer GearVR with the Nimble aquisition ?

Will the half moon controllers work with gearVR too ?

The new Oculus Rift Controllers will not work with the Gear VR. The Rift uses LED sensors and an external camera to track movement as well as the gyroscope. The Gear VR doesn't have this hardware (LED sensors) so it would not have the same capabilities as the rift.

Honored Guest
I am not a big fan of the closed nature of Oculus Gear and think it could hurt them as much as help- net some zero?

Finding that I use my simple Colorcross generic clone a lot more for movies than the Gear VR due to screen door, fogging and a lack of decent audio codec support on the Gear. Games run too hot IMO, so only use for video. I am hoping there is a better generic headset released so I would not bother as much with the locked down Oculus Gear VR.

If I actually played games (if device ran cooler) I might have a different perspective, but my focus is video due to the chipset running at it's ceiling with VR gaming content. Result is the sensors and immersion of Gear VR is not as much a factor to me and wanting less and less to be stuck in a near Apple like system. Heck, at least they have a web browser and streaming video apps 😉

Been an owner of the Note 4 version since launch, but my opinion of the Gear VR is getting lower rather than higher- this thread has accelerated lowering for me, since validates my concerns. Oh well.

Honored Guest
When can we have an app that imports my CAD models?!

Honored Guest
is it possible to start with the normal 2d mode and switch after a while into stereo mode? We would like to have a couple of intro screens before we start with 3d experience. We use the Oculus and Unity.

Best regards,

Why not add a search menu to Oculus store ? And more categories may be (I know content is limited for now).
And easy App rating would also encourage better application ratings in the store!

Rising Star

- I would like to get replacement foam for IE2 and CV1, carry case/sack and spare straps for IE2 and CV1. When all that will be available ?

- Is multi-user support coming to Netflix VR ? (based on Nexflix account capacity)

- Is ability to move away from the screen coming to Netflix VR any time soon ? (at least through user generated content)

- Is support for user generated content for Netflix VR, Oculus Social, Oculus Movies (custom sets for all, plus avatars for Social) coming any time soon ?

- When is positional tracking coming to Gear VR ? (in the form of external accessory sold separately, at least)

- Will Samsung have an upgrade option for S6 owners (to upgrade to S7) when S7 and new Gear VR for S7 are out in 2016 ? (including T-Mobile customers)

- When is video streaming app coming to Gear VR ? (to be able to stream to PC as mono or stereo view and record video for social media)

Thank you! 🙂

Honored Guest
Is there a possibility of allowing us to remove items from our library? Mine is already cluttered with links to trials I installed and did not like. Seems silly not to allow us to remove them entirely and have the app uninstalled. I believe that customer convenience should be a top goal to get the platform where it needs to be.
There should be help files for each app and for the Gear Vr in general. Some features I have only found by reading these forums which is not something the average user will ever do.

"wpm007" wrote:
Is there a possibility of allowing us to remove items from our library? Mine is already cluttered with links to trials I installed and did not like. Seems silly not to allow us to remove them entirely and have the app uninstalled. I believe that customer convenience should be a top goal to get the platform where it needs to be.
There should be help files for each app and for the Gear Vr in general. Some features I have only found by reading these forums which is not something the average user will ever do.


Rising Star
#1. Since we now know that positional tracking has been worked on for some time, is there a rough ETA on when it arrives and if it will be accessible to S6 users?

#2. There is this article claiming hand input to be working with Gear VR ... -osvr-1517 True or false? Do you recommend?

#3. Will we see Rink for Gear VR this year ?