No Way Home
I hold the back button and all it does is show the friends list the option to go home or use utilities is gone so I was just wondering if it got moved or what's going on
I hold the back button and all it does is show the friends list the option to go home or use utilities is gone so I was just wondering if it got moved or what's going on
Just like the title says holding down the back button no longer brings out the settings menu but instead shows me a friends menu and that's it please help.
How to Remove Blurness ,zig-zag in VR scene
Hello,is there a way to check if the Gear Vr Controller is connected or not?Thanks
Next week i have to present my 3D panos at an event for 500 people (with 4 gearvr)I like to mirror at least one phone's display to a 42" TV for other users, so i bought one Chromecast 2, because i read Oculus app greatly support it.The problem is: it...
I need to know if is possible to launch an html file in Oculus Browser, that is stored in the phone (offline, from smartphone, without internet).
Hi All,I am playing 360 view video using inverted sphere in unity.It works fine when I use normal 360 video but when I play video of kind top/bottom i.e. _TB video file. I am facing issue when as the video play in top bottom view. How to play _TB vid...
It's possible? The Gear 360 app doesn't give me this option, only if I stream and watch the online stream (that's option is terrible). There's a 3rd party solution for that?
I am working on trying to render my 3D scenes for viewing in 360 inside the GearVR.So far, I've only managed to get 1 of the files recognized by the 360 photo app but there is no depth.I have two 360 panorama renderings; one for each eye. Does anyone...
My samsung gear VR Oculus home is disappeared, first time, i could see the Oculus home, but after using is not be used. And now, i just look two app, samsung gallery and samsung browser. second, when i open the samsung browser, the screen is dark, an...
Does anyone know how to add 3D photos either in a side by side jpg or Fujifilm MPO format? I have a bunch of MPOs I have been taking with my Fujifilm 3D camera for many years and I'd like to view them in VR as well as share them with all of you. I ha...
Hi--I'm really hopeful someone can help. I've been using the GearVR for over a year, with Oculus. After the most recent update, the 3D in my videos is gone and the scale now looks too big when close, and too little when far. The vids were fine yester...
I can not recommend this free App highly enough! It should come preinstalled with GearVR. It's still in Alpha but blows anything else social VR related stuff out of the water and knocks it straight out of the park. Yes it's that good. You can talk to...
I had a galaxy 8 but then upgraded to the Note 8. There was a title, kind of like a VR TV program, where it starts off with a guy waking up in a bedroom with a red head girl. Then he goes to work and something goes wrong in the AI. Does anyone rememb...
I recently purchased a Note 8 and the new Gear VR to go with it. Everything works great except the controller was oriented to the left on first use. Now the second time I use it the controller is pointing so far left I have to hold it sideways. Is th...
Hi, I have an issue to connect my Samsung gear VR with the galaxy S8. Until yesterday was working alright, but now when I'm connecting the devices nothing it's happening. I'm only getting a spam notification about the USB connector connected/disconne...
Using Samsung S8 persistently re-orientates the Occulus viewing screen while watching vids or streaming movies from internet. Started doing this on 9/23/2017. The view re-orientates and watching within a few seconds. After correcting & reset oreitnat...
Hello!I've recorded a short video with GearVR native recording. In viewing it I am seeing many black frames which seems as flickering. Is it frame rate issue ? Cause it happens also whit no movement. I can't find any proper way to record content. ple...
This discussion has been moved.
i was wondering if there are any platform games for gear vr .. i played luckys tale in oculus rift and i liked it a lot so i was wondering if there is something similar for mobile
Hello Team,i have Samsung galaxy s8+ and gear vr 2, my problem is i can see the mene in library to change my environment i have only 4 Tab
Hi.About 2 weeks ago or so, I noticed that when I play 3D movies through Samsung Gallery VR, they're played in lowres while they were previously always played in HD (same movies). I see no available setting in order to change this, I just see the usu...
I tried using Chromecast to cast my VR experience, yet whenever I do, there's a pink dot about the same size as the remote pointer in the upper right of the screen on the headset (the dot doesn't show up on the TV). I'm using a Galaxy S8 with the 201...
I was having trouble with the gear VR and then I deleted all of the software and try to reinstall it and now it doesn't do anything when I put it in the the goggles. It doesn't ask me to install anything or doesn't say anything what can I do.
Hi im new here ..can i buy oculus game with google play card? or only with visa?
Hi! I'm currently working on a game for gear vr in unreal engine 4.17 and I am having difficulties with accessing some of the oculus platform features via the unreal OSS. I have gotten entitlement to work with the blueprint node Verify Entitlement bu...
Im not able to update my Samsung gear vr plzz help me fast
I have some images on HTC evo 3d.. and would like to view them on the samsung vr.. I put them in gallery folder but they still come out double image.. am I doing something wrong? Do they need to be in a certain folder?
Englisch: Hallo Oculus Community,Ich habe ein Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge mit dem Samsung Gear VR. Wenn ich die Oculus App beginne, gibt es ein Update. Wenn ich das installierte Update drücke, bekomme ich die Meldung, dass die Apps nicht aktualisiert werd...
Hi there, I got the chance to borrow the Oculus Rift from the company to try to setup some of my 3d models and to try to find an easy way to use it for the far I installed it and - not wanting to spend money the first evening - I downloa...