Samsung Gear VR
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Forum Posts

Gear VR without the Oculus 360 Photos

Hi,I want to watch my own 360 photos with the Gear VR. When i use the Oculus 360 Photos everything works fine and the head tracking is perfect.When i watch my 360 photos via web browser (chrome) or locally (Panotour Viewer) i use the Package Disabler...

CS360 by Honored Guest
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I need to buy a new phone, which one?

I need to renew my mobile phone now, but I want Gear VR (consumer version) when it's out, so I want to future-proof me.I know Gear VR will work with a variety of Samsung phones, but I wonder which one is the best.Also, I know that for the innovator e...

EarlGrey by Expert Protege
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VR NEWS SHOW has Audio Arena w/ Yorick Van Vliet

VR NEWS SHOW has Gear VR's Audio Arena w/ Yorick Van Vliet, 8i VR, and Playstation VR, (which is getting big encouragement from Oculus). Please let me know if there are any cool games out there!

wolfsuka by Honored Guest
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Lunchtime with my Gear VR - Epic Dragon VR

Today on Lunchtime with my Gear VR I take a look at Epic Dragon VR from the Oculus concepts section. I knew I had played this one before on my Rift, and I was right! Epic Dragon originally came out back in 2014 and was one of the demo's I loved playi...

Lack of Note 4 support

Before i winge i fully understand that support for the Note 4 will eventually dwindle, but i never thought it would so quick, esp with the innovating Gear VR, Samsung and Oculus should be talking and helping devs support all forms of Gear VR, some pe...

IrisVR for Samsung Gear VR?

Does IrisVR make an app for the Gear? I'd like to experiment with their product, but I am only aware of the app on the Play store. And obviously the Gear forces you into the Oculus Home environment, so Iris would need to make an app for that environm...

nrollins by Honored Guest
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Netflix question

This might seem like an odd question but sometimes I just want to watch Netflix in bed and I was thinking with the Gear VR on it would be a nice experience just lay back and watch but seems the only way to watch it is on my side. Is there a way to tr...

Into The Dead GONE?

SO i have been playing into the dead on mmy note 4 Gear VR for days.. I came home from work and sat down to play and... its gone?! Whats up? anyone know?-Chris


Has there been any word on an update to fix the UI flashing issue? Whenever I move my had while looking at the screen the UI overlay starts to flicker and cause the video to stutter. I am on a T-Mobile Note 4 with 5.0.1


I noticed Rosebud hasn't yet been mentioned on this forum. And that's a shame. While 'real' (360) movies are a disappointment imho, animated movies can be great. And Rosebud is really awesome: a very simple and short movie but with a innovative yet v...

JvanE by Explorer
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Social presence apps

So I'm wondering what are all of the upcoming and available social apps for the Gear VR? This is the list I have currently: 1. Oculus Social Alpha2. SomoGlo VR (on sideload)3. Altspace (upcoming Gear VR support)4. Convrge (upcoming Gear VR support)5....

Is Gear VR worth it?

Friends, I tried on a great vr last month in bestbuy and has since fell in love with it. But I am an iPhone user and just got my new iPhone, before I know about the gear vr. So I am obviously not anywhere near my phone upgrade time. I see some Galaxy...

zao9311 by Honored Guest
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Samsung Gear VR vs Oculus DK2/Rift

I got my Gear VR very recently and I'm completely sold to the idea now. I have used Google Cardboard replicas before but the experience was far below Gear VR. The only thing that disappointed me is the pixelation. For now, I can live with it but I wa...

xBoggart by Protege
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Subtitles on .mkv files in Oculus Video

Hello there, all.Saw a topic from a few months back addressing subtitles for Oculus Cinema (before the name change) that seemed to have gotten subtitles working for everybody, either officially or with a workaround. There was also an update that did ...

Caradres by Honored Guest
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Uploading to Milk VR (Gear Indie Contest)

Anyone on this forum also submitting to Gear Indie Contest #1 (There in 60 Seconds)? will be my first time uploading to MilkVR and as we won't have a lot of trial and error time, I'd love to hear an...

VR Karts

VR Karts is now available for download on the store.It has an online multiplayer option. Any ideas on how to play together since Gear owners playing VR Karts should be pretty rare right now.The game itself is great even though the racing speed is muc...

PSA: Lenses scratch easily

Be careful with the lenses on the Gear VR as they scratch very easily. I have had the consumer Gear VR for about 4 days now and there are already very fine scratches on the lenses and I have been using a microfiber cloth to clean them (clean them eve...

exzero16 by Honored Guest
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Best phone memory card

Hey guys. I ordered a new gear vr with game pad but I don't think the 16gb micro card that will come with it will be too small. I already have a 64gb HC branded micro in my phone. It's okay for storing movies but taking videos or high quality photos ...

foxworld by Honored Guest
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Nextflix has faux positional tracking

I noticed the other day whilst looking around the room in Netflix that you get a slightly different view of 3d objects if you sway from side to side, and closer objects oclude different parts of further objects as you sway also. Its almost as though ...

Oculus please design the store better!

The oculus store really needs work. We aren't getting much information about them within the store. We have to jump out of the oculus store and Google them just to see if it's something we are interested in. If they were cheaper games then I wouldn't...

BondoBox by Honored Guest
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Impressed now because of OTOY

I'll start off saying that im new to vr other than Google cardboard. So after being a little let down with low quality vr streams, little games, and backyard vr films I started to wonder if vr will actually be any good in the future and if I'll buy t...

BondoBox by Honored Guest
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No full dome in MilkVr

I have a Problem with viewing Videos in MilkVr. Even if i add "_fulldome" .. its not full dome.. its not even 3d.. no matter how i do it.. "180x180_fulldome"..or without "180x180" .. its not full dome.. when i put "_fulldome_3dh" its 3D but still not...

MuHadeS84 by Honored Guest
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3D 360 only?

I quickly discovered I only like 3D 360 video's and pictures, not just 360. However, it's quite hard to find which apps offers 3D and which not. I am not even sure if there are any 3D (360) pictures...? Anyone here who knows which apps offer 3D conte...

JvanE by Explorer
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Sonar movie: two screens above each other...?

Hope this is not too off topic here but I downloaded the 3D 360 movie Sonar for Gear VR ( but when I play it on my Gear VR I see one screen above me and the other underneath me... Instead of side by side. Anyone knows how to see ...

JvanE by Explorer
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