I found this issue when i update my game with ovr-platform-util.exe, it's stuck into an cycle and repeat those 3(maybe 5?) processing steps again and again...
Also i tired upload my game in Oculus Dashboard website, it stuck in the processing which called "pushing to CDN". After a while of waiting, it shows this picture...
I'm seeing the same problem, on both the website, and through the command-line ovr-platform-util utility. Is there any way to get any visibility why my APK is not uploading?
Thanks for the feedback (also on the Tweet i sent) currently when i try uploading it's now telling me "invalid signature" is this a side effect of the patching or i something wrong with the APK? yesterday it still passed the validation but seemed to fail on the pushing to CDN part.
Hi @imperativity, I am also experiencing this issue. I am unable to update the alpha build or upload a new app. It is very urgent as the client is expecting the update for tomorrow. Please let me know if it's something related to the build or portal. Thanks
What fixed it for me was to add the versionCode and versionName in the androidmanifest.xml. If you are using Unity this has to match what is in the player settings as well.