Just going through the process of submitting our fist app to the store. The 'Specs' section of Edit Details has fields for the above 3 urls (site app, privacy policy and terms of service). Event though the field for the app site url asks: 'Do you have a website for this app?' (we don't and don't plan to) I can't progress and save details without putting one in. It's the same with the PP and ToS.
Our app isn't going to be promoted via a website and is only a short experience so we hope we don't need to create a site specifically for this.
Can anyone tell me if they are necessary?
I can't imagine everyone writes a PP and ToS from scratch for their apps - is there not a standard template we can use/adhere to?
I am having the same problem. I don't know if the entitlement check is influenced by this. But I can't get to have the entitlement check succeded in Unreal even if I added the lines in Engine.ini and my appID. I checked to be logged in with the same user e-mail as admin.