07-27-2020 12:29 PM
Thank for taking the time to submit your pitch.
After a thorough review of your submission, your application has not been accepted to receive Oculus Quest publishing access at this time.
The Rift platform is the perfect environment to try new content, backed by the power of a modern PC, and the large PC-based VR audience.
We hope to see you there,
The Oculus Team
Obviously, this isn't exactly insightful and leaves me scratching my head wondering what I did wrong.
My game pitch was well presented with clear explanations of the concept, gameplay, marketing and development effort. The pitch was well written, backed up with concept art by a professional game concept artist. I consulted VR game publishers for feedback on my pitch and received positive responses. Here is one such response:
Many thanks for the game pitch, it does look really great - casual, nice art style - could be a superb VR title.
In my pitch I introduced the team who would be working on the game which includes 4 in-house , full-time developers with a history of producing VR/AR apps and games.
I'm obviously disappointed that they haven't approved my game, but I just can't understand why there is no reason given! Why would I, or any other indie developer want to submit more ideas? It takes time and effort to put one of these pitches together! I get that Oculus wants to make the Quest store a curated experience with great content from big studios. The bar is obviously high... but how is anyone supposed to make that leap successfully without any feedback on your failed attempts?
07-29-2020 06:55 AM
08-01-2020 09:59 PM
12-03-2020 03:26 AM