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Reset View function does not vertically reset the user's position

My submission process was failed because of VRC.PC.Input.3. I got this message from Oculus: Selecting the Reset View function does not vertically reset the user's position. I checked other games on the store and the reset view function worked as in my game. I'm using Floor level in he OVRManager. What is "vertically reset"? Thanks for your help!

Heroic Explorer
I use the default "Eye Level", and got my game through... But if you say it works the same as other games with "Floor Level" I have no idea what they want.

brusztli said:

My submission process was failed because of VRC.PC.Input.3. I got this message from Oculus: Selecting the Reset View function does not vertically reset the user's position. I checked other games on the store and the reset view function worked as in my game. I'm using Floor level in he OVRManager. What is "vertically reset"? Thanks for your help!

If you use unreal engine then you need to use the node Reset Orientation and Position inside your character using a button mapping also i made it into a function and also call the function after my entitlement check so it resets their position once the world loads.

also you will need to have it set to FLOOR Level and your BP should look like this

like this:


I call this function After the entitlement check:


Eye level is for PSVR only.

also in your character it must not have a boom arm, also the camera needs to be attached to a scene root that sits on the floor like this:



having a capsule component will stop it from fixing your Z axis...
also if you got a camera BOOM it will deny this reset also.

Hope this helps.

edit: added more info

rh_galaxy said:

I use the default "Eye Level", and got my game through... But if you say it works the same as other games with "Floor Level" I have no idea what they want.

eye level is for PSVR Only.....
@brusztli If you require assistance any further and you use UNREAL ENGINE send me a message and i'll help you if you use unity I'm sorry I have no clue how to help..

Not applicable
What needs to be done to reset the vertical orientation?
I used - UE4 4.24.3.

This is the last thing to do.
Help me to understand!


A letter in support of the Oculus wrote.
You need to add the reset orientation and rotation node to an event the player can click a button. set the dropdown on it to orientation and position. i would just use an input mapping to call it, i don't think you need to bind the event.

Not applicable
Thanks for the quick response)

The Oculus wants the application to also include resetting the user's vertical position.

In the application, everything works until the moment that is underlined by a red line.

It does reset it. that's why it has orientation and position. it needs to be ran directly off an input mapping like i said. I have 2 games released. Don't call it this way binding it to an event like this is going to FAIL. it needs to be directly called off a user input mapping.

Not applicable said:

You need to add the reset orientation and rotation node to an event the player can click a button. set the dropdown on it to orientation and position. i would just use an input mapping to call it, i don't think you need to bind the event.

Click on which button?
At this time, the Application is in the game or in Dash when the "Reserved" button is pressed?

Input mapping is called in the game. When in Dash Input mapping are disabled!

Event "HMDRecentered Delegate" call when I click on the button "Reset View" in Dash.



I do not understand.

How should I call a function "Reset Orientation and Position" when I click on the button "Reset View" in Dash?
Not using an event "HMDRecentered Delegate".

The Oculus wants the application to also include resetting the user's vertical position.


Only interested in Resetting the vertical position!
How can I do it?

Sorry if I don’t understand what you want to tell me.
If possible, provide an example.
