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What is APK size limit for Gear VR?

This question has already been asked here but I need confirmation on APK size once again. Is 500MB limit for APK as @cybereality said in above mentioned post? 
If thats the case, how can I upload larger APK file, like using "split application binary" option in Unity3D publishing settings?
In what stage of publishing the size is checked?


Honored Guest
Hello, the limit of 500 megs is only for the application to run without any problem, you can create bigger applications but the optimization is reduced, the speed of the rotation decreases and the latency increases.


Hello, the limit of 500 megs is only for the application to run without any problem, you can create bigger applications but the optimization is reduced, the speed of the rotation decreases and the latency increases.

What??? I don't understand... speed of the rotation and latency?
What we are talking about here?

I thought we're talking about APK file size, curious to know as well. Weird that no official documentation even confirm this. I guess it'd be judged per application basis. Best guess is to try and see, and write down in notes of why bigger apk is needed. (e.g. a World of Warcraft like VR game would surely justify the use of many large asset files.)

Size limit is 500MB. I got it confirmed in email response from Oculus Submissions Team. But I am not sure that at which stage of submission it is checked. 

P.S you can see games larger than 500MB in Gear VR experiences like Hitman (1.87GB) but thats "Space Required" which can be larger than APK size.

Good to know, UmairEm. Thanks. I'll definitely keep this in mind.
I hate those install first, download later and then you can play scheme.

I hope Google's Daydream platform will have this limitation at much higher bar, e.g. 2GB or 4GB, using "split application binary" of course.