Submission under review for four weeks with no response to emails.
Hi,Our submission has been under review for four weeks with no response to emails. Can I get an update?Our app name is: No Clue VR Thanks,Bryan
Hi,Our submission has been under review for four weeks with no response to emails. Can I get an update?Our app name is: No Clue VR Thanks,Bryan
Hello,I'm trying to get my game more visibility through the VR Industry. I created a fun and challenging mobile football game for the Gear VR. Oculus then hid the game in the void that is the Gallery. Apparently I need to get my game noticed in vario...
I know Oculus strips out the SteamVR openvr_api.dll, do you guys also strip out the Steam Audio phonon.dll?
Why my new game is NOT showing in United states? I didn't got a single purchase from USA! For my other two games in Oculus Gear VR they are doing fine in United states from the first month. Typically Any new game earn a good amount from USA in first ...
Hi,Iam a developer of VR drum games, and my app has had problems during the review process. "Additional message from a reviewer: The stick position/orientation only seem to be updated at 30hz orso, they should update at 90hz."Inmy game, OCULUS Touch ...
We are about to launch our new game, and have open for Beta testers. One of them using a S8+ sent me this pictures stating that the app is not available for him.How can I change this to make it work? I cannot see any option.Besides that, another Beta...
No matter what I try with the command line utility, I always get the version number to say "false." Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug? Here is my command:ovr-platform-util upload-rift-build -a 123 -s 123 -d "C:\Game\ToUpload" -l "game.exe" ...
I am puzzled by the way Oculus handles the publishing of our game. Normally a few days of delays in responding to requests wouldn't be a problem but when the last minute email we got that our game has been approved says that it is going to be release...
Hello Oculus Developers,Is there any informations or hints about why can a submission succeed the FPS Tests on windows 8 / 10 but fails them on win 7 ? under the same min specs.Thank you.
A major game company could possibly integrate a potential review date and possibly a Que display, similar to taking a ticket at the DMV to know when your game is in que, or when it will be possibly checked (Your #128 and we are currently working on #...
Hello, When uploading my UE4 app, the build test status keeps being stuck at 'running' for all channels since several days now. The first upload to the alpha channel worked fine and still is marked as 'completed'.This is a simple standard packaged UE...
Everytime I try to upload a zip file to the alpha channel, nothing happens.I select a file from my hard disk and after that the dashboard layout is displayed without any content.I tried different builds and browsers, but nothing made a difference.Yes...
Hello,The analytics values for my app keep sending me back to the bottom of the popularity filter in the Oculus store; I'd really appreciate some help with this.I've tried asking for help via I've tried asking for help via the...
Hi,Nowadays,we provided our app for oculus gearvr team review.We've been rejected severial tiems by the back button issue.Then we used the OVRPlatformMenu to solve this problem.We added two OVRPlatformMenu Scprits:one used keycode==Escape, for the he...
Why openvr_api.dll is not accepted? I cannot waste time to develop a new version only for oculus store.
I'm struggling with this one, game works fine on Win 10... not sure who is running a VR PC on windows 7! But when returning from Universal Menu I guess the screen is black... here is the actual test fail:"When opening the Universal Menu during gamepl...
Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew how I could fix this issue:"When opening the Universal Menu during gameplay, and then closing it to return to the app...the screen is completely black in the headset, causing the app to be unplayable."^ This only ha...
I know of the native screenshot utility that takes 1024x1024 images, and developer mode screenshot from the phone that shows left and right, but these are not what I'm looking for. I need 2560x1440 images, not distorted and from one view (not left an...
I am about to release a game, and have been visiting to fill the required forms. When I reached the Payment information page, I found out that Brazil is not in the countries list...Why is that? Sorry to make such a compar...
it last over 1 week that no staff help to review my games....we are urgent to publish this game to the Rift....does oculus has the holiday?
Hello, So I've been working on a VR app which uses leap motion for motion control. Now my main concern is will it be eligible to be on the oculus store with leap being the controller? TIA!
I can't upload the new binary to store. When I choose the file, the page has no response.I think maybe my VPN broken. But I can visit Youtube and watch videos as usual. So does store have any bug?
Hey there, we've want to integrate an IAP in our app. One of the first thing is (before you can access them and use the code stuff), you'll need to configure the available IAP (under your app / details / platform / IAP) - there you got a TSV template...
Hi,4 days ago we received an e-mail notification from Oculus support team (ticket #372575) that our application "Altair Fulldome Cinema" was removed from Oculus Gear VR Store while some users had a problem with IAP subscription. We fixed that problem...
Hello, how i can release my application to oculus store ?
I havent found a way and I think it would be great if we could use the trusted Oculus server to get this info (rather than tracking dates from our own apps where they could be manupulated). Or if Oculus allowed at least for storing any sort of user i...
We are developing a GearVR application that allows you to watch VR movies.How long will the app review period last about?
I am the lead VR developer at Boundless Reality and our team has been trying to publish an app on the oculus store for about a couple of weeks now. Our team sent in a store release submission for our Gear VR app two weeks ago, and we were notified th...
Based in another country, selling my game in Oculus Store, should I set up a USD accepting bank account to receive payments from Oculus Store or are the payments converted to the local currency by Oculus? I'm guessing it's the former but just to make...
If I'm based in Hungary (an EU member), and I sell my game in Oculus Store, will I get the payments from an account based in the EU too? Google does it that way (they pay through a company in Ireland). The question affects how I will have to pay taxe...