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20Q with Technolust developer Blair

Honored Guest
Hi Rifters

We hope the below will be a distraction for a few moments at least. Its our 20 Q with Technolust developer Blair a.k.a Anticleric

Let us know your thoughts on his answers in the comments below.
Got a game in development or a cool piece of VR tech you want to show off? We are looking for demos, trailers and all things VR. Just send us a mail and we would be more than happy to feature it on our site.

Honored Guest
Really looking forward to Technolust.

7. What’s the longest amount of time you have spent in VR in one play session ?

Without a break, I played Skyrim with Vireio Perception for a long time. Maybe about 3 hours.

3 hours! I wonder if the Rift was sweaty or if anything became uncomfortable after a while (haven't tried the Rift myself).

12. What is the biggest surprise you have had since you started to work in VR ?

Honestly, the lack of fully fleshed-out virtual realities. I suppose it’s too early to expect them, but I’ve seen too many 1 room demos, couch simulators and tech demos. I was expecting more people to jump in feet first and blow my mind. I’m sure it will come, but I’m impatient 😛

This is a good point. I think we'll see a lot more projects shown once they are able to be sold and there is a market. Secrecy seems to be the way of things now. At first it was the Wild Wild West but now everybody has their plot of land and guards sitting with shotguns on their porch not letting anybody in.
i5-3570k | R9 290 Windforce OC | 16GB 1600 RAM | SSD | Windows 8.1 64bit

Honored Guest
3 hours + is fine for me. I have watched quite a few movies using Riftmax and Cinema VR also chatting to people before and after the movie. Also I think I put in about 4 hours straight on HL2 3 or 4 weeks after I first got my Rift.

The DK1 is comfortable to wear but you need breaks just like you do playing on a normal screen.
Got a game in development or a cool piece of VR tech you want to show off? We are looking for demos, trailers and all things VR. Just send us a mail and we would be more than happy to feature it on our site.

Honored Guest
Thank you very much for this interview. I am a small time backer and a supporter of the work he is doing and it was exciting to see he also is enthusiastic over Carl Sagan's contributions to the world. Carl is one of my heroes. Technolust remains my favorite rift experience to date. I am looking forward to it with the DK2. I enjoy your reviews as well but this was good to read as well. Thank you for doing it.


- Michael T.
Michael Tenery, Software, RPG and Game Developer. Imagine Role Playing: