06-11-2016 10:20 AM
06-11-2016 10:32 AM
06-11-2016 10:33 AM
06-11-2016 10:39 AM
Greyman said:
That probably serves as excellent proof that you really have to try VR to fully appreciate it. You had probably already told your co-workers all about VR, but it would appear that few, if not any, of them had taken the plunge.
VR companies really need to get their kit into retail outlets and/or other publicity events, to get it out to the mass market, as no amount of 2d advertising alone is going to do the job.
06-11-2016 10:49 AM
Zenbane said:
Greyman said:
That probably serves as excellent proof that you really have to try VR to fully appreciate it. You had probably already told your co-workers all about VR, but it would appear that few, if not any, of them had taken the plunge.
VR companies really need to get their kit into retail outlets and/or other publicity events, to get it out to the mass market, as no amount of 2d advertising alone is going to do the job.
Wholeheartedly agree!
I lost count of how many times people kept saying that VR is just "3D" strapped to your face. What's even worse is the fact that people can experience Google Cardboard or Gear VR now fairly easily, and they think THAT is VR.
One co-worker had been chastising me for weeks over spending $3,000 between my Oculus-ready PC and my Rift. She was one of the first to demo Dreamdeck yesterday, and she threw in the towel after the Dinosaur showed up. She lasted a whopping 2 minutes in VR total before the immersion was more than her mind could take; and before leaving declared, "okay I admit... you made an awesome investment."
Small victories, right?
But alas, the fact is that once people experience VR (especially in the Rift); they reach a new level of realization about technology, and where our world is headed. Good times o:)
06-11-2016 10:58 AM
06-11-2016 11:08 AM
06-11-2016 11:47 AM
06-11-2016 01:44 PM
06-11-2016 02:04 PM