05-02-2016 04:21 PM
Email I just sent Oculus:
1) Today is 122 days since I pre ordered, still no shipping date
2) You started pre orders 20 minutes early, I ordered in first 4 minutes of released pre order date and time so I lost out
3) No date or price for Touch
4) You delayed shipping because of parts you guys claim
5) You are shipping bundles with PC's before pre orders
6) Read on your own web site that people who ordered their Rift 3 hrs after me are getting theirs today
7) Read today you will be selling retail Rifts this week, see No 1 and 2
So either step up to the plate and compensate me more than just shipping or cancel my order and lose a repeat customer for ever.
Plus, Since I have trust issues with Oculus now, I'm afraid that if I do order a Rift you will just gouge me a ridiculous amount for the Touch because with out Touch Rift is incomplete and mostly useless so I would be at your mercy.
Order #
05-02-2016 08:49 PM
05-02-2016 08:49 PM
05-02-2016 09:13 PM
DLC1 said:
wow! that's great! If rift doesn't measure up to the vive experience I will definitely cancel.... I'm nervous now about a lot of things with Oculus, including how long until they put touch on the market, I'm losing faith those are coming this year.
05-04-2016 02:21 PM
05-04-2016 03:21 PM
LeeU said:
Email I just sent Oculus:
1) Today is 122 days since I pre ordered, still no shipping date
2) You started pre orders 20 minutes early, I ordered in first 4 minutes of released pre order date and time so I lost out
3) No date or price for Touch
4) You delayed shipping because of parts you guys claim
5) You are shipping bundles with PC's before pre orders
6) Read on your own web site that people who ordered their Rift 3 hrs after me are getting theirs today
7) Read today you will be selling retail Rifts this week, see No 1 and 2So either step up to the plate and compensate me more than just shipping or cancel my order and lose a repeat customer for ever.
Plus, Since I have trust issues with Oculus now, I'm afraid that if I do order a Rift you will just gouge me a ridiculous amount for the Touch because with out Touch Rift is incomplete and mostly useless so I would be at your mercy.
Order #
05-04-2016 03:31 PM
05-04-2016 04:52 PM
05-04-2016 06:31 PM
05-04-2016 09:45 PM
05-04-2016 10:21 PM
blanes said:
Don't cancel, and moreso don't cancel after reading the reply from Oculus support you should be grateful ... plus you are in the U.S. which giving you the Retail option if you choose. Remember many of us who ordered early are overseas and the wait feels like an eternity. I ordered late on day one and mine is estimated for July. Same happened with dk2 and I never believed the shipping stuff up could have been worse than that, yet it is. Hang in there you will be Rifting far earlier than most of us !