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7 reasons I had to cancel my Rift order just now


Email I just sent Oculus:

1) Today is 122 days since I pre ordered, still no shipping date
2) You started pre orders 20 minutes early, I ordered in first 4 minutes of released pre order date and time so I lost out
3) No date or price for Touch
4) You delayed shipping because of parts you guys claim
5) You are shipping bundles with PC's before pre orders
6) Read on your own web site that people who ordered their Rift 3 hrs after me are getting theirs today
7) Read today you will be selling retail Rifts this week, see No 1 and 2

So either step up to the plate and compensate me more than just shipping or cancel my order and lose a repeat customer for ever.

Plus, Since I have trust issues with Oculus now, I'm afraid that if I do order a Rift you will just gouge me a ridiculous amount for the Touch because with out Touch Rift is incomplete and mostly useless so I would be at your mercy.

Order #



DLC1 said:
does anyone know what the wait is to get a vive if one was to order today?

2-3 weeks

For most people, you might as well roll a dice. Mine arrived four weeks after I ordered it, but others who ordered four weeks before me are still waiting for theirs.

Expert Protege
I cancelled mine March 31st and ordered a VIVE. Should be getting it this week. Faster still then my RIFT Would've arrived. 

I cancelled for the same reasons and people literally CHEERED here saying ' now I'll get mines sooner'! Well. That didn't happen for them and there's been even more bad news

this launch is a shame , the rift itself is from what I've read. A great product. The company. Not so much. And the most people can say here is " you'll lose this or that if you cancel,  or it was almost about to be shipped "!


they told me that a month ago. Do what you have to do guy. 

Expert Protege

I cancelled mine March 31st and ordered a rift. Should be getting it this week. Faster still then my RIFT Would've arrived. 

I cancelled for the same reasons and people literally CHEERED here saying ' now I'll get mines sooner'! Well. That didn't happen for them and there's been even more bad news

this launch is a shame , the rift itself is from what I've read. A great product. The company. Not so much. And the most people can say here is " you'll lose this or that if you cancel,  or it was almost about to be shipped "!


they told me that a month ago. Do what you have to do guy. 

Not only that but what if touch slips and ships in 2017. Then you could be looking at a whole year of no touch for the rift while you could have had  room scale and touch like controllers for  a y ear.

Whats more , what if they decide to change and make touch a cv2 exclusive. What will you do then ?

There are so many unkowns.

Expert Protege
Or order your touch and find issues similar to this?

 There's been people who have received their rifts , but have received them damaged and sent them back to be repaired and Haven't  even heard if oculus receive them yet. 

Cant reach support for an update and now feel completely screwed. This company is BAD BUSINESS right now.