11-28-2024 01:54 PM
I am very frustrated with Meta
I upgraded my computer beginning of the year and have just purchased the Meta headset.
I never thought in a million years that my brand new graphics AMD 7800xt Sapphire 16gb GPU would not be supported with the Meta Quest3.
Going on what I have been told in various conversations with Meta Support, the developers never tried to make it compatible!!
I can't see why it's not supported, all the Older generation AMD GPU's are supported
Are there plans to add support
There are so many people angry at and bad mouthing Meta because of this!!, It seems like Meta have done some sort of deal with Nvidia to only support their older and most recent GPU's
Is there a technical reason why the 7000 is not supported?
It would be great for us AMD 7000 series users to know why and if at all they will be supported in the very near future!!!
11-28-2024 02:24 PM
Hi @STAR_PUNK19 have you tried it and it doesn't work or are you just looking at the GPU compatibility list (I see it isn't on there).
Looking online, a lot of people are saying it works fine - but I think most posts were from several months ago.
11-28-2024 02:34 PM
Going from what support told me the 7000 is not supported
I have problem with zero headroom
Always around 75 milliseconds
Having to put my graphics in game to minimum to get even a small amount of smooth game play
I am using the official cable through a USB-C 3.1 gen2, 10gbps connection, PC hardwired to a Gigaclear fibre-optic router with 600mgb per second speed
11-28-2024 02:38 PM
I have an MSi Mag Z390 Tomahawk MOBO
Intel i7 8700k 3200ghz CPU
MSI triple radiator water cooler
32gb DDR4 Ram
And a Gecko called Lemon 🍋
11-28-2024 02:43 PM
When in game the the headroom goes off the minimum scale
At 90Hz Auto setting in the app, It starts at 45fpsor lower and just jumps around between that and 90fps if in a low graphical area
I only use the headset on PC for Sim racing, or I try to!
11-28-2024 02:46 PM
After the USB test in the Meta app, I only get 2.4g
I got the same speed on my old MOBO into a USB 3.0 using a £25 inui cable
11-28-2024 03:11 PM
SIM Racing game is LeMans Ultimate