02-06-2015 01:50 PM
02-06-2015 01:52 PM
02-06-2015 02:27 PM
02-06-2015 02:50 PM
"ThreeDeeVision" wrote:
SweetFX works great on Assholo Corsa, haven't tried Assholation though.
02-06-2015 03:34 PM
"tamonte" wrote:
I thought this was a troll thread, but apparently SweetFX does exist 😛"ThreeDeeVision" wrote:
SweetFX works great on Assholo Corsa, haven't tried Assholation though.
02-06-2015 03:51 PM
"totallyinto69" wrote:
By the way just what the heck is a troll? I see that word an awful lot in forum's. Is it another one of these stupid ass words the majority of people have come up with like the word selfie and epic fail, these words didn't 10 years ago.
02-06-2015 03:59 PM
"totallyinto69" wrote:
By the way just what the heck is a troll? I see that word an awful lot in forum's. Is it another one of these stupid ass words the majority of people have come up with like the word selfie and epic fail, these words didn't 10 years ago.
02-07-2015 10:29 AM
"totallyinto69" wrote:
Has anyone tried sweetfx with this game? I tried it and it makes a world of difference.
02-07-2015 10:50 AM
"kojack" wrote:"totallyinto69" wrote:
By the way just what the heck is a troll? I see that word an awful lot in forum's. Is it another one of these stupid ass words the majority of people have come up with like the word selfie and epic fail, these words didn't 10 years ago.
Troll has been an online term since the late 80's. It's someone who says things to intentionally cause anger / start arguments / piss people off in a community.
02-07-2015 08:55 PM
"RiftXdev" wrote:"kojack" wrote:"totallyinto69" wrote:
By the way just what the heck is a troll? I see that word an awful lot in forum's. Is it another one of these stupid ass words the majority of people have come up with like the word selfie and epic fail, these words didn't 10 years ago.
Troll has been an online term since the late 80's. It's someone who says things to intentionally cause anger / start arguments / piss people off in a community.
you got trolled