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Amazon and Best Buy Have Not Received Touch Stock from Oculus


I pre-ordered from Amazon, Best Buy, and Oculus because I didn't want to be stuck with the company hit with a delay.

I spoke with a Best Buy manager a few weeks ago who told me it's standard procedure for their warehouses to receive stock over a month in advance of the release of a product. When he went to check to see if they had Oculus Touch stock yet, however, he was surprised that all the warehouses were empty. He told me to check back next week.

Fast forward to today. I check back again and it turns out the warehouses are still empty. I believe the warehouses checked were one in New Jersey and one or two in Virginia. According to the manager, Apple is the only company they work with that waits until the last minute to deliver stock. While the manager is still hopeful they'll have it available for in-store pickup on launch day, he finds it extremely odd that they still don't have stock in the warehouses two weeks away. It takes time to process and allocate to the different stores.

Meanwhile Amazon still has not given a firm delivery date, still stating that they need more information and will email with an update. Checking with customer support, Amazon claims it is still slated for a December 8th delivery date (with Prime shipping), but that date is just based off of the presumed launch date and not whether or not they have enough stock to allocate to their orders.

Two weeks away and neither Amazon nor Best Buy have received any product from Oculus and have not been able to start allocating product to stores or orders. Is this a cause for concern? Is it a sign that the third-party retailers will be fulfilling orders after Oculus has fulfilled theirs? Both Best Buy and Amazon still sound confident that they will deliver "on time", but there's nothing to currently back up those assurances.

Is there anyone who works at Best Buy who could give more info? I'd love to be able to pick it up in store on the 6th, but I'd hate to be hit with a delay because I stuck with them over the other options. Can someone from Oculus give a wink and a nudge as to which order is the best one to keep? For those keeping score...

Best Buy - December 6th (subject to delay, no stock in warehouse)
Amazon - December 8th (customer support is confident but order page still says pending more info)
Oculus - ??? Dec 6th-15th (also probably slowest shipping speed)

The Furious Angels - an Oculus Rift Online Gaming Community!

Heroic Explorer
Tbone said:


Best Buy - December 6th (subject to delay, no stock in warehouse)
Amazon - December 8th (customer support is confident but order page still says pending more info)
Oculus - ??? Dec 6th-15th (also probably slowest shipping speed)

Oculus just sent me a tracking number:


Heroic Explorer

FrozenPea said:

Oculus have said multiply times that shipping starts on Dec 6th not before that date


Heroic Explorer

jayhawk said:

I'm confused why Oculus isn't shipping until the 6th - 15th. Why did I preorder from them again?


Rising Star

Maxxgold said:

Maxxgold said:

Nothing wrong with ordering from different providers, but the retail stores will get their shipments. I remember when I was waiting for my Rift, and people were just buying them from Amazon and Bestbuy, while I patiently waited. If you think Amazon isn't going to have a huge shipment day one then prepare yourself for some learning. Also, despite what you say about BestBuy getting shipments a month in advance; that may be true in some instances, but normally items arrive a few days before sale.

Amazon and Best Buy got a tiny, tiny amount of Rifts to sell while Rift preorders were still being sent. Dunno how that equates to Amazon having a huge shipment day one. It doesn't even make sense, because the vast majority of Touch sales will be direct from Oculus, so why would Oculus risk pissing off their customers again when they don't need the retail stores? The units at Amazon would just be sitting around while Oculus' actual customers would be waiting. It seems pretty clear to me that if there are any shortages, Touches will first be sent to Oculus preorderers with priority queue, and retail stores will be delayed.

Well, I guess you are wrong huh? Oculus is shipping after Amazon.

Oculus is now starting to ship theirs, tracking numbers and everything.

Heroic Explorer

Maxxgold said:

Maxxgold said:

Nothing wrong with ordering from different providers, but the retail stores will get their shipments. I remember when I was waiting for my Rift, and people were just buying them from Amazon and Bestbuy, while I patiently waited. If you think Amazon isn't going to have a huge shipment day one then prepare yourself for some learning. Also, despite what you say about BestBuy getting shipments a month in advance; that may be true in some instances, but normally items arrive a few days before sale.

Amazon and Best Buy got a tiny, tiny amount of Rifts to sell while Rift preorders were still being sent. Dunno how that equates to Amazon having a huge shipment day one. It doesn't even make sense, because the vast majority of Touch sales will be direct from Oculus, so why would Oculus risk pissing off their customers again when they don't need the retail stores? The units at Amazon would just be sitting around while Oculus' actual customers would be waiting. It seems pretty clear to me that if there are any shortages, Touches will first be sent to Oculus preorderers with priority queue, and retail stores will be delayed.

Well, I guess you are wrong huh? Oculus is shipping after Amazon.

I'm not sure why you naysayers have to run around talking out of your asses like you actually know something. If you would have bothered to read my response, you would have seen that we have already been through this before..

I just got my notice from Amazon. Shipping on the 2nd of December and arriving on the 6th. I'll bet I have my Touch in hand on the 5th, but hey, I can wait till  the 6th if I have too!

Oh FFS, that's just a random support staffer who knows nothing. You cannot base anything off analysis of their wording.


Just checked my tracking number on the Oculus order page... looks like it's arriving on the 6th so no difference between pre-ordering here or on Amazon.

I'm going to upgrade my condition to pre-happy.

Not applicable
I think the term Oculus used was 'Shipping in Bulk on Dec 6th' 🙂

Looks like a few orders from all three sources will be arriving on the 6th! Everyone avoids a bit of salt! As a 26 minute preorder, I still think going with Amazon or Best Buy was my best bet. Last I checked you could STILL order from Best Buy and upgrade the shipping to release day for free!

Actually, I just checked again and now Best Buy says "coming soon" again!
The Furious Angels - an Oculus Rift Online Gaming Community!