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Any news on updated SDK/drivers?

Honored Guest

Just wondered if there was news about driverupdates and SDK - having read that the "judder issue is fixed" and such.

Will there be a big update and is there an ETA (or just a wild guess?) about when it could be released? Or will there be some "hotfixes" instead? *pretty please...? 🙂

I know that the people at OVR are busy, but it would be also interesting to hear about what issues are they working on (black screen, camera problems, all kinds of issues). 🙂

Ill just quote Cyberreality from his Official DK2 Shipping Update Thread 08.August.2014:

"cybereality" wrote:
Hey everyone,

By the end of this week, we'll have shipped over 16,000 DK2s worldwide.

To those still waiting for your kits to arrive, thank you for your continued patience. We’re doing what we can to get your DK2 to you as quickly as possible.

To those who have already received their kits, we hope you’re enjoying experimenting, building, and creating new VR experiences. A special thank you for everyone’s help testing the latest SDK. We know it’s still rough around the edges, and we’re squashing bugs as quickly as we can. Watch for an update to the SDK in the near future.

Thanks again!

// cybereality
DK2 Info: Order ID: FM-1042XXX | Date: Mar 19, 2014 09:53 AM PDT | Status: Delivered (04.08)

Honored Guest
oh, yeah, right - completely forgot about that one. 🙂

It is only 3 days ago that this was posted, but it feels like ages somehow. 😄

I´ll just hold my horses then and wait for the near future... 😉

Honored Guest
Can't wait for them to fix the "Direct to Rift" not working. That is pretty much the only problem that kills it for me at the moment. :cry: It makes testing etc. such a pain in the ass. :lol:
DK2 Status: ARRIVED AND WORKING Arrival: 29.07.