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Ascension VR - Patch 1 Notes (8/9)

Not applicable
- Updated Avatar Skins
- VoIP quality improved under stressed network conditions
- Gear: Touch and hold on cards shows Quick Text
- Notification when players enter the lobby during multiplayer games
- Network bandwidth reduced
- Recenter menu item (with tilt option!)
- Rift/Gear: Mic mutes when headset off
- Fix crash when using non-stereo speakers
- Quick text on Void Thirster corrected from Rune to Power
- Empty Discard/Deck graphic

Not applicable
Also, tonight is Tuesday night with the devs, 8pm pdt.  Hope to see you there!

Rising Star
OK, not knocking it but I don't understand the appeal of a card game in VR?  It's like I never understood playing a Monopoly video game when you have a board game.
Maybe there is more to it I am unaware of?

If you like card games or board games in general, why wouldn't you want to play it in VR? Plus, playing with your friends in a Virtual setting where you can talk to each other in real-time is an added bonus. Considering the $10 price tag, it's well worth the fun factor. You have to like socializing tho. And card games :wink:

Always look forward to playing this will do my best to get on tonight although I promised the gf id go over to her house >.> will you guys be doing a dev night again anytime soon? Looking forward to beating some of you guys 😉

Not applicable
Good playing with you trytiped (I'm jeff in game).  We'll be on again next Tuesday.  And for any folks lurking around right now, we'll be on for a bit more tonight.

@greysphere Unfortunately its 1AM my time 🙂 Damn it and my working life! Thanks for the update, the new notification is very handy and worked great for me yesterday. Looking forward to the next update!
Core i7-7700k @ 4.9 Ghz | 32 GB DDR4 Corsair Vengeance @ 3000Mhz | 2x 1TB Samsung Evo | 2x 4GB WD Black
ASUS MAXIMUS IX HERO | MSI AERO GTX 1080 OC @ 2000Mhz | Corsair Carbide Series 400C White (RGB FTW!) 

Be kind to one another 🙂