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Australian Shipping UPDATE?

Honored Guest
We would love to hear about any and all updates to shipping that has to do with Australia. Have you received an email about shipping and live in Australia? If so please let us know here!!!

Cybereality said this on

Thu 24th:
They will go out mostly in order. We are just running a few smaller batches on a per region basis to make sure everything is working good before we automate things.

We'll have more batches to all regions following shortly. Please just relax. Thanks.

Sun 20th:

Yes, we already have stock of DK2 in multiple distribution centers around the world. We are currently waiting for the software to become stable, and then we can immediately start shipping to customers.

Here's hoping we hear something soon.

P.S - Anyone know what city the distribution center is in?
2,390 REPLIES 2,390

Not applicable
Order ID: AK-8100xxx
Date: May 31, 2014 12:23 AM PDT
Status: PROCESSING:Your order has been checked out for shipping and will be shipped in the next batch. We'll send you a notification once it's shipped. This typically takes 2-4 business days.

Location: Sydney Australia

What a great way to hit the weekend 😄

Honored Guest
Great news guys! Looks like orders from March and April have been quickly smashed through and nearly half of June.
Scott Vandonkelaar Zero Latency - Inversion VR

Honored Guest
ORDERED June 9th, Email sent to me stating its ready to be shipped. AU, NSW, Western SYD.
Looks like OVR has caught up on a F***tonne of orders. AWESOME.

Honored Guest
NNNNOOOOOOOOOO looks like orders stopped around the 10th of June! I have a June 18th order and still at pending at this stage. Very happy with the jump in Aus orders though, I should be in the next batch for sure which is nice to know. I'm happy for all those who have got their Rifts on the way and hope you guys enjoy the shit out of them!

Honored Guest
Date: Apr 21, 2014 06:08 AM PDT
Status:SHIPPED:Your order has been shipped.
Victoria, Australia
YES! 😛

Honored Guest
"ShadowStalker" wrote:
NNNNOOOOOOOOOO looks like orders stopped around the 10th of June! I have a June 18th order and still at pending at this stage. Very happy with the jump in Aus orders though, I should be in the next batch for sure which is nice to know. I'm happy for all those who have got their Rifts on the way and hope you guys enjoy the shit out of them!

I feel your pain.
At least i can use this wait to continue to work on the mechanics of my project before my dk2 actually arrives. Thankfully the dk2 is not required so i can keep working on it, but the anticipation will be hard to work against.
DK2 23rd June Australia : Delivered

Honored Guest
"ShadowStalker" wrote:
NNNNOOOOOOOOOO looks like orders stopped around the 10th of June! I have a June 18th order and still at pending at this stage. Very happy with the jump in Aus orders though, I should be in the next batch for sure which is nice to know. I'm happy for all those who have got their Rifts on the way and hope you guys enjoy the shit out of them!

Guess I lucked out then. I was like 6:40pm on June 10th and made it in.

Glad I pre-ordered when I did instead of procrastinating and doing it a few days later lol.

Honored Guest
So is june 10th the latest? Damn. Wasn't expecting this much but it is only 18 days off me 😞

Honored Guest
"ariehendrikse" wrote:
So is june 10th the latest? Damn. Wasn't expecting this much but it is only 18 days off me 😞

At least you should get in on the next batch which should be next week or at the very latest the following week. Nearly there guys!!

Honored Guest
June 14th, still pending. Not long to go now 😄