Perfect timing on the sale. Don't have my rift yet but I installed Home about a month back and installed all the free stuff ready. I thought about buying a few games but decided there was no point yet and I might as well wait in case there were sales or price drops.
Yesterday, I got the "order processed" email and my card was charged. Today we have the sale. Will pick up several games for sure - Chronos first and foremost.
I don't have the "shipped" notification yet, but it shouldn't be too far away. 🙂
Chronos - 10/10. The best of the current crop of games that I've tried Rooms - 7/10. Fun puzzle game, though the VR aspect seems wholly unnecessary - it doesn't really add to the experience. Still, I like it. Elite - 8/10. I am a big fan of this game in general, and very immersive. Probably your longest Rift experience out there. Herobound - 7/10. Quick and simple Zelda clone. Darknet - 5/10. Interesting idea but I don't really like the core minigame that the whole game revolves around.
I'll add Dead Secret as a 9/10 for me so far. Really good atmosphere, couple of good jump scares, fun adventure game. Makes great use of VR, although the normal mode gives some discomfort when the camera moves, the immersion makes the jump scares significantly scarier.