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CV1 Resolution

Honored Guest

Is there something I need to do to increase the resolution on the CV1 when watch videos using Virtual Desktop? I went through the CV1 setup, and it is plugged into my GTX 970....but the clips look far worse than they do on my monitor, even when the monitor is set to the same resolution.I have read some post about poor resolution for the CV1, and others about "MAXing" out their Video card, but I don't really know what that means or how to do it? Is the poor resolution just the best the CV1 can do when watching movies? Is it the quality of the movie? The home page, etc all looks sharp.

Is there anything I can do?

Heroic Explorer
I found video on Big Screen a little better than VD, so you may want to try out that option (free on Steam).  But, it's not going to be as sharp as it is on your monitor unfortunately.  

Honored Guest
Thanks Jademan, so whats holding it back? The CVI? Software? My Video Card? Pixels? SDE?

Sorry just trying to understand the technology

The CV1 has a resolution of 1080x1200 per eye. But that is spread over a wide field of view. A monitor takes up a very small area of your vision, so it's pixels are smaller. The CV1 has a huge area to cover, so it's pixels are more obvious. (Try placing your face right up in front of a 1080p tv so it fills most of your view, the pixels will look bad there too, no matter how awesome the tv looks when you normally watch it from a distance)

This is just how VR works, any wide field of view hmd needs a massively higher resolution to match the visual quality of a monitor.

Although you say the home page is ok. I've never used Virtual Desktop so I don't know what it's like quality wise, maybe there's an issue there (might be using a low quality codec implementation or something).
Author: Oculus Monitor,  Auto Oculus Touch,  Forum Dark Mode, Phantom Touch Remover,  X-Plane Fixer
Hardware: Threadripper 1950x, MSI Gaming Trio 2080TI, Asrock X399 Taich
Headsets: Wrap 1200VR, DK1, DK2, CV1, Rift-S, GearVR, Go, Quest, Quest 2, Reverb G2, Quest 3

Not applicable
You're looking at magnified pixels. If you want to watch movies get CINEVEO on steam. if you just want to watch youtube vids etc... virtual desktop works excellent. But you cant compare your monitor to the rift. Apples and Oranges. Your PC isn't the problem. Your expectations are too high.

Honored Guest
Thanks STRICK, I'm actually pleased with the Rift, I think its really cool. I just wanted to know if there was a way to improve the quality. How far away are we from the technology needed to get us to HD quality with little or no SDE?


lakpld said:

 How far away are we from the technology needed to get us to HD quality with little or no SDE?

Not for several years. There'll be a few hi-end headsets coming out this
year with 2560x1440 - screendoor mildly irritating, but not as bad as
the current crop.

Honored Guest
how long until Oculus puts out another consumer model, i.e gen2? And what do you think we can expect in terms of resolution and SDE?

Heroic Explorer

lakpld said:

how long until Oculus puts out another consumer model, i.e gen2? And what do you think we can expect in terms of resolution and SDE?

lakpld said:

how long until Oculus puts out another consumer model, i.e gen2? And what do you think we can expect in terms of resolution and SDE?

December 2016. (LOL)