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Cancelling my order and buying a Vive

I've supported Oculus since the kickstarter. I own a DK1 and a DK2, my CV1 is due to ship in 2 weeks time.

I'm still excited for VR but have no desire to deal with Oculus any more, thanks to their ridiculous attempts to prevent their games running on the Vive.

I always had a soft spot for the Rift. It showed possibilities and promised the opportunity to hack around inside VR. Since then it's turned into a walled-garden with a carefully sanitised experience. Sniping at other VR users is nothing short of petty.

It's doubly galling since I've now paid three times for a headset that I thought would be worthwhile. More fool me.

Palmer Luckey said

If customers buy a game from us, I don't care if they mod it to run on whatever they want. As I have said a million times (and counter to the current circlejerk), our goal is not to profit by locking people to only our hardware

I had a lot invested in the Rift, so when the Vive came out, I thought I'd stick with what I knew. The specs were similar and I could wait for touch controllers. This latest stupidity has tipped the balance.

So, the Vive is ordered and I'm off to cancel my CV1. I hope some others feel the same way I do and vote with their wallets. I guess we'll see...

Rising Star

Zenbane said:

Atmos73 said:

@Zenbane  I think most of the original forum members who now own a Vive were or still are DK1 or DK2 owners. I don't think its fair to assume all Pro Vive owners are coming here just to troll and promote Vive.

This situation is of Oculus's creation. They are pulling the strings on DRM, exclusives and lack of Touch controllers. We the consumer get what we are given at the time and right here right now Vive seems to be the logical choice.

Valve/Steam aren't perfect but they're not caught between a rock/Steam and a hard place/Vive like Oculus is. The Vive ticks boxes and doesn't wave red flags the way the Rift does.

It is what it is.

That's a lovely story n' all, but what I was speaking towards was the unnatural tendency for people who are supposedly "happy" with their purchase to continuously flood a competitor site with embarrassingly negative feedback. Embarrassing to the author, not Oculus nor those happy with the Rift. People have even bragged prematurely on this forum: "I am so glad that I changed to Vive, even though it hasn't even shipped yet!"

People who are truly happy don't act bitter. 

This is what happens when gamers buy devices that require physical exertion, they play for a bit and then realise they need to sit down for a rest. While they are resting they go on forums and post. 

Either that, or they just ran out of content to run.

Neither system is perfect right now, but I bet my left nut that most longer sessions are seated games. And not 4 hours of Roomscale wave based survival shooters.

Maybe Audioshield, but I don't think the majority of owners have the physical condition to play that non stop for 4 hours. 

Clear winners: Elite dangerous, Project cars, etc etc.

Rising Star
Yet, Vive owners are so bored, they come here to rag on Oculus.  If anything, you make me absolutely not want a Vive anymore.  I don't want to risk becoming a pod person.


Rising Star

Hanover said:

Yet, Vive owners are so bored, they come here to rag on Oculus.  If anything, you make me absolutely not want a Vive anymore.  I don't want to risk becoming a pod person.


That's Donald Sutherland pointing out the dropped frames due to lack of ATW.